89: See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya!

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The rest of the day passed with nothing much else happening, Basketball and Tennisball had talked to Snowball about the new plan Two wanted to go through with and Snowball comforted her in sympathy. He was weirdly better at comforting her than Tennisball was.. mainly because he wasn't so anxious and awkward. Golfballs group didn't talk much after the whole semi argument and things had been tense between them all.. it felt like there was a split between the group based on what happened. This was even more unpleasant for Clock and Eraser, but they just decided that some space would fix the tension so let the groups figure it out on their own. They both avoided the groups for the night and stuck with each other instead.

Morning rose, and Tree was completely unaware of the unsettling plans that Two had in place for his friend. Loser did, though, and he was looking foward to seeing the sweet realisation on Trees face when he understood that it was all his fault.

In the cafeteria, Tree was walking with Robot Flower over to a table with nobody on, so it would be just the two of them. She seemed in a rather good mood, which had a positive effect on him in result. Last night she had been hanging with Roboty, and they had stayed up a little too late. It was fine though, she just hadn't recharged herself as much.

"Uh, duh Tree! I need my beauty sleep." She retorted in his face, before slipping into a seat and resting her arms on the table. Tree rolled his eyes, neatly setting down his plate of food onto the table first and then he proceeded sat opposite her. "You're a robot though." He commented, grinning as he waited for her to argue against him.

"Hey! Just because I'm a robot doesn't mean I don't need things like sleep, Tree! Don't be so offensive!!" She snapped at him loudly, scolding him for his rudeness. He snickered, leaning on his elbow and then leaning his head on his hand. "Well, you haven't got breakfast .."

She seemed to glare at him harsher. "I don't know if you haven't noticed, TREE, but I haven't GOT a mouth!!!" She fumed, him snickering playfully and putting a hand over his mouth. "I know I knowwww.. I'm only messing with you-" he covered his mouth and held in a laugh unsuccessfully as she didn't seem too happy about that, frustrated. "You're so annoying sometimes!" She huffed and looked away.. she enjoyed his company though.

"Well, whatever.. where is like, half of the group today?" She took a look around side to side, taking note of the amount of empty tables.. Tree realised she was right. There was a few around, like Donut Gelatin and Barfbag.. and of course Gaty on her own.. an odd few objects here and there but nothing too drastic. Something was missing.. he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"Hmm.. you're right." Tree noted, a little uneasy. "It is rather early.. perhaps they are just sleeping in." He suggested calmlu, turning back to his food. He used the side of his fork to cut into his toast, slicing into the corner to cut a piece off with its edge, and then dug into it with the actual fork end to pick it up. Rf raised an eyebrow at him, weirded out. "Yeah, no, I can't tell if you're eating like a maniac on purpose or not. Who uses a fork to eat toast??" She criticised, him raising an eyebrow at her.

"Also, if you're gonna cut toast, can't you at least use a knife??" She complained further, unimpressed with the way he was using his cutlery. He rolled his eyes and placed the food into his mouth, chewing and putting a hand over it "A fork works just fine." his words were muffled "Stop dictating my breakfast,  you don't even eat." He smirked back at her, before doing the same thing to cut another piece off. She scoffed boredly. "You're such a weirdo. "

He chuckled at her insult, finding her company amusing. He went to eat more of his toast, grinning at her playfully. She was unimpressed, even if she didn't have much of a facial expression he could tell exactly how she was feeling. "You're the weird one.." he replied a little after, only now digesting what she had said to him.

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