122: How do you want to die?

716 24 135

Gore warning

4 hours

After her interaction with Coiny, Liy had been wondered if he ever actually decided to take a look inside the diary and take her word for it. She really hoped so.. she needed him to know the truth about everything..about Donut and Fries and everything else that she read, including about that tape. She wanted to know if it would jog his memory.. she just..wanted him to know more. She knew all of this was risky and that she shouldn't be getting herself involved in all of this but.. she was a little too far into it now.

She was sat at her bed, looking at the ground where her feet were with her arms rested on her knees, hunched over. Barfbag was plotting against Coiny and.. she didn't know how to feel about that. All she wanted to know was the truth about Coiny, and now she had an injured arm, Barfbag was on her back and also knew that was was going through a crisis. Liy wasn't even sure what she wanted.. but she knew damn well she wanted nothing to do with Barfbag. She was bad news.. and she couldn't put up with that right now. Unfortunately she didn't have much of a choice.

The last few days had definitely been a ride.. what was she supposed to think? Or do? Now that she knew many new truths she.. didn't feel the same and probably wouldn't ever. She didn't even know if she knew the truth about herself at this point, she never got the chance to look at her own file. Did she want to know, though? What if it was disapointing? Or massively overwhelming?

She just.. wanted things to be normal. The guilt about Fries only seemed to get worse everyday.. and it was eating her up inside. As well as the fact she knew she had nobody on her side right now. She knew this was only fair however because she knew exactly why nobody was on her side. She just wished she could talk to someone about the clouds of doubt and stress that fogged her head.

Everything she used to know was just... so different now.

Cutting her off from her thoughts was Barfbag, who burst into her room without any warning by kicking the door in, it swinging open and slamming against the wall violently with a crashing noise, one that made her flinch in shock. This caught Liy offguard, her snapping her head up to her door, startled as she stood from her bed in fear. "Hey!! What the hell?!" She barked, tired of all these things happening to her.

Barfbag ignored her and continued with her ambush, Liy backing up a little once she saw the gleam of the knife that Barfbag wielded in her hand, it sparkling in the light. She clenched her fists intensely, glaring at her and locking eyes with the other object.. Barfbag proceeded to grasp the door and swing it shut with a slam, it rattling the wall. She looked serious and something about her expression made Liy feel intimidated..she looked like she was out for blood.

"What the fuck do you want, Barfbag?? Haven't you caused enough problems??" She shot in hostility, knowing she couldn't back up much more due to the bed being directly behind her. She was mentally preparing herself to be attacked.. that must be why Barfbitch was here. She didn't know why Barfbag wanted to attack her, though, her natural instinct being to keep away.

"I have some ..things to take care of today." Barfbag sneered vaguely, a small smile appearing on her face as she spoke, as if it was an inside joke that she found funny or amusing. "You are one of those things.."

Liy didn't respond to her statement, knowing well enough what she was hinting at. Was she really going to kill Liy? No.. Barfbag wouldn't yet. She had only just recruited Liy.. Barfbag obviously wanted her for a reason, she wouldn't just kill her a few days after getting her hands on her. She tried arranging her thoughts as Barfbag seemed to get closer, curling her fingers to click them as she approached Liy, taunting her by dragging this out.

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