145: The biggest liar of them all.

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Mild gore warning

The group came sprinting over in a hurry, shouting and yelling for different reasons as they rushed to Fireys aid. Blackhole and Lightning were still in the building so they were not present in the crowd. Snowball was the first to get there, gritting his teeth and smashing himself into "Saw" to push her away from Firey as the two fought between the axe. She stumbled backwards from the unexpected collision, yanking the axe with her and out of Fireys grasp. She then transformed back into Bottle, growling lowly at the ball of snow, who stood with his hands balled.

"Pretty brave, for someone as easy to kill as YOU." She sneered at him tauntingly. She proceeded to transform into Lightning while taking a leap into the air, floating off the ground. She winced as the axe weighed her down.. it was much harder to carry while hovering so she dropped it carelessly, zooming up to Snowball and zapping him mercilessly, sounds of sparks whirring. Snowball stood helplessly as he was eletricuted, his body shaking.

"Lightning" was stopped however, as Pen clung to Lightning by his robotic wrist and swung him away with a frustrated yell, forcing him off of Snowball. Pen immediately started to panic over Snowballs state, asking if he was okay repeatedly. Luckily he was, just very stunned and dazed.

"Bottle?! What on EARTH has gotten into you?!" Golfball boomed as she stormed over, demanding an answer as Bottle turned back to herself. Gb had been absolutely mortified at the sight of her trying to kill Firey.. well, Saw trying to kill Firey. But it clicked immediately that Bottle had most likely transformed into her. Lollipop and Gaty were both still hurt from seeing Saw again, but especially Gaty.

Tree stepped forward reluctantly, hurt over the idea of her doing something like that. "B-Bottle! What.. what is the meaning of this..?" Something must have been up with her.. did someone do something to her? Liy followed behind, confused also.

"Y-Yeah! What the fuck, Bottle? What the hell did Firey do to you??" Liy wondered with her hand on her waist, kind of harshly since Bottle had pulled such an aggressive stunt.

Coiny growled lowly, holding out his sword threateningly by pointing its end at Botte, watching her pant. "She better have a DAMN good explanation..." Coiny snarled in destest, edging over to Firey to make sure he was okay. Shampoo had already gone to his aid though, checking up on him. Firey hadn't a clue what was happening either, which was startling to hear.

"Oh, for goodness sake! I'm SICK of hearing that stupid name. Do you EVER stop whining?!" She sassed back at the group, rolling her eyes. "I'm not BOTTLE."

"..Wh..what?" Tree stammered, not understanding. He lost his voice halfway through, his eyes locked on her.

Lollipop stepped forward as well, weary of the danger of the situation. She examined Bottle in a judgemental way, crossing her arms. "EXCUSE me? What is THAT supposed to entail?" Lollipop was almost frustated, the rest of the group sharing mixed emotions. Blocky would have done something physical by now, but thanks to earlier he was too hurt to get involved, gritting his teeth.

"Well? Then WHO the fuck ARE YOU?!"

He wished he never asked.

The groups gaze shifted upwards as Bottle transformed once again, answering Blockys question immediately. They stood dumbfounded in the path of the numeral.. the one who was supposed to be dead. Four.. stood before them, his frame tall as he towered over them all, their shadow covering half of the group. They looked as menacing as ever, their teeth sharp as he grinned and showed them off with their hands outstretched stiffly, curling their fingers to click them. Golfball blinked, her words stuck in her throat.

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