33: Painful regret.

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"B-Be careful!" Nickel stammered, wincing as he was lightly dropped from the small height that was left of the cliff. He stumbled, relieved as he was finally on the grass. Tree hopped down from the rope shortly after letting Nickel go, brushing himself off.

The group who found Yellow Faces warehouse had just finished climbing down the cliff, finally at the bottom. It was super difficult, but after hours they had reached the surface. Nobody got too badly injured, and the rope was still there to climb up later.

It was late sunset, the sun almost having disappeared into the mass of trees in the distance. The sky was shades of blue and orange at this time. Robot Flower had her arms on her waist, tapping her foot a little impatiently as she had waited for them. "Finally! We're here.." she glared back, looking at the warehouse in the distance "Mrgh..when I fucking find out who's doing this.."

Tree pat her shoulder "There there. We'll find out now.. we've come all this way." Anchor nodded "Y-Yeah.. now's the time we've been waiting for.." he put the duffel bag down to leave it there, so they could come back for it

Needle rolled her eyes "Lets just go! It gets dark soon, at least that place will be a form of shelter, we've been outside for the last two days."

She walked past them, the others following quickly. It grew less apart of the distance and closer the more they approached it.

"You think its safe?" Nickel questioned struggling to keep up as he followed them. He looked up at Tree for an answer, since he was closest.

Tree didn't realise he asked him at first since he was lost in thought, before looking down "Wh-What? I-I mean.. I sure do hope so.."

"What if theres nothing there?" Anchor asked, fiddling to himself. Robot Flower looked away, startled at the thought.

"Who knows.. well.. I didn't come all this way for nothing.. there's BOUND to be at least something .."

As they got closer, a small path had came into view, flattened grass so there was a clear path made of mud that lead them right to the doors. It looked pretty desolate and silent..nobody seemed to be around.

"..Hello?" Tree called, looking around as they got closer to it "Anyone hereee?" He grumbled a little more sarcastically, impatient.

His voice lingered in the air, the others a little demotivated by the lack of response. "What if they died?" Needle asked.

"Died how?" Robot Flower glared at her "Don't be stupid. I mean.. unless they starved. It's only been a few days since the attack.. surely they'd still be here right?"

"They could've fled.. if they knew we were coming." Tree looked over to her "..I-I worry about you sometimes.."

"Wh-What? Why?" She asked, a little aggressive "Is that an insult?"

"Wh-What?? No!" Tree exclaimed quickly "I-In regards to the erm.. mind control thing. Them controlling Tv.."

"What about it?" The others were also looking at him, interested in what he had to say.

"I-I mean.." he rubbed the back of his head "If it's that easy to control Tv.. how easy is it to take control of you?" He muttered softly.

She jumped. "Gh.." the idea freaked her out. She hadn't even thought of that.. they could at any time.. perhaps. If this was a mechanical mind thing, it was entirely possible.

"Is that the same with Roboty?" Needle asked. "They could be controlling him right now as an alternate to Tv..."

She flinched, growling "Oh no they don't! I've had enough of their bullshit!" She snapped, climbing up the stairs of the warehouse.

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