95: Problematic pair.

753 22 47

Mild gore warning

Evening time. After having checked the security cameras for anything important, Barfbag had decided to go meet up with Loser and Yellowface so they could discuss the circumstances of their situation. They definitely didn't expect LIY to return and tell Two about Fries... but with him out of the picture, it definitely made things more simpler.

Liy had been recovering after what happened and her injuries were being tended to. It was obvious that Loser and the rest of Front Row was going to have to take a visit to the lab eventually.. but the group had been debating on whether they should try and get Liy on their side. She was a wildcard.. they weren't sure of her motivations, but figured she would be useful. However they would have to ask her when she was in a better condition.

Barfbag had slipped into her room, once again being greeted with Loser and Yellowface. She wasn't as startled as before because this time she at least expected it. She was still unamused though, frowning and closing the door with a slam that mildly shook the walls. Loser jumped, closing the draw that he had been peeking in. "B-Barfbag!"

"What the hell are you doing? Stop looking at my STUFF, you creep." She spat at him, going to march over to him and push him out the way. He stumbled to the side as she searched through her draw to check nothing had been stolen. "What were you doing??" She was mostly weirded out, looking back at him.

"Just got bored. I noticed you had a knife. It looks like Leafys.." Loser commented smugky, watching as she shut it. Barfbag glared at him. "Well, I need SOME defense, just in case." She rolled her eyes and went to turn and sit on her bed, him following her with lidded eyes and a judgemental looking expression. "Very well. We have been waiting a while. What held you up?" He started a new conversation. Yellowface looked up from where he was, watching as the other two took a seat on Barfbags bed.

She groaned loudly, rubbing her eye with her fist "Some stuff I had to catch up on.." she had noticed one of the cameras were out of order so.. had to try and boot it back up. ".. Whatever, we need to start thinking of the next steps."

"Obviously." Yellowface spat harshly, glaring up at her in irritation. "We need to get Liy on our side. She will prove useful-"

"-That's if she WANTS to. We can't ask her yet because if she doesn't join us afterall, we will get CAUGHT because she will most likely tell Two." Loser hissed back at him, as if that was obvious. Yellowface turned away angrily "Tch."

"Apart from Liy.. we have other things." Loser went to cross his legs, putting his hands on his lap neatly. ".. Fries is gone. Now... we know why that is."

"Donut teleported him." Barfbag unhappily added "..I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. I didn't think he would get stronger THAT fast. I've... TRIED to discourage him but.. Gelatin is good. Gelatin is starting to act weird around me, too.." she spoke out about her concerns, however Loser uttered a chuckle in response, covering his mouth. She looked over "Something funny?"

"He is the least of our worries for now. Whatever is going on between you and him, it's probably based on ..er, emotional things. Nothing important to us." Loser waved his hand to dismiss it. "What is important to us is thatm Two obviously is more suspicious now. They think Four is somehow alive.. "

"Is that a bad thing? As long as they don't suspect Donut, we'll be fine." Barfbag assured harshly. "With Fries out the way, things should get easier... there's a less chance Donut will get caught.. OR us."

"How so?" Loser turned to her, curious on her vision. She scoffed, putting her hands in the air "Uh, duh! I thought it was simple. Two obviously wanted Fries dead, sooooo.. if we have evidence that Donut was working with Fries, that gives us a reason to kill him that ISN'T because of the powers.."

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