27: Failed plans.

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"Uggh, it's so boring now. Eveyone else is out or doing some other job. When are they gonna be back? I miss Robot Flower and the others.." Naily complained, frowning as she had to sort out a box of weapons that had been created by the machinery.

Price Tag and Naily were the only two left in weaponry, due to Gaty being swapped over to Main Team, Tv being switched off and the others were.. gone.

It was evening time. They had been doing this all day.. more on edge than usual, though. Two had been super angry with everyone and snapped at the smallest of things, so they tried to make as little mistakes as possible.

Price Tag rolled their eyes a little, facing away from Naily so she couldn't tell. They loved Naily, but hell did she complain and complain. "It was pretty easy for those guys to just.. get out, huh?"

Naily shrugged "I-I guess. Weird cuz, there's security things and stuff.." she looked up to the camera. The camera in weaponry broke abruptly last night, so they weren't being watched by Two right now. Which was good, it probably wouldn't be a good thing if he found them talking about such things.

PT sighed "Yeahh.. but with proper work, couldn't anyone just do the same thing??" They leaned against the wall. "I mean, if it's that easy to just.. run away from here with a group, then.."

Naily looked over to them and raised an eyebrow "What are you talking about?" She tilted her body in curiosity, caught offguard by the sudden "seemingly" suggestion.

They closed their eyes and smirked mischievously "Well, I don't know about you but, I can't stand this place " they looked back at Naily, giving her an unamused look.

She was confused.. "What .. what are you saying? I-I thought you liked Two?" That was quite strange of them to bring up this conversation..

They frowned and sulked. "I guessssss. He's super dumb, though. And something is off with him, I don't wanna get caught up in his wrath. I'd rather be out there than in here.."

Did they really? Out there seemed a lot more dangerous. Naily was trying to get the point of what they were saying. "Soo..?"

"Yeaah. What I'm trying to say is.. well, don't you wanna come with me? I know we're friends, so I wanna take you with me if I can actually get outta this dumpster fire" They finally dropped the big question.

Naily paused, glancing to the side "I-I mean.." she didn't like this place.. but was outside any better "Is it even safer out there? I-Itll be nice to be away from Two but.. have you seen it out there?"

"We'll find a way to live! Any place is better than this dump. Anyways, I wanna leave before Anchor gets back. He probably won't let me leave this place, he's suuuuuper overprotective, its annoying "

"Won't that worry him.. and what about Scissors? You're just gonna leave him here..?"

Pt huffed "Uggh.. they can both look after themselves! Why has eveything always got to be about what other people want?? I'm the one making the decision." They spat angrily  turning around in rejection to Naily.

"You don't have to come with me if you don't want to, Naily. I just thought we were friends, so."

"Wh-What?? No, I do! Of course I do.. I was just..concerned about everyone else.. but, I mean, if you're sure we can come up with some sort of plan then.. okayy?? As long as its safe.."  She smiled, a little excited by the thought, despite her worries.

This made Pt smirk, looking back over to Naily "Great! Let's talk about this later.. we can find a way to leave soon.. we'd have to pack and stuff. It'll be more dangerous for us because we are both armless but.. we can do it" They grinned proudly. "When has that stopped anyone?"

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