49: Friendships bloom.

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The first thing on Stapys mind after he escaped was to find something to eat. Of course, there were other things, such as what would he do now? Why did Fries free him? He thought he hated Stapy.. and what was going to happen to Fries now?

The temperatures had began to increasingly drop as the afternoon went by. Oddly too, as it seemed so sudden. As before, it was just rain, but now it was so cold that the rain sometimes turned to hail. This was just more evidence that it was getting colder, and it wasn't just their imagination.

It kept thundering, too. The thunder was beginning to seem permanent, and that was a scary thought. However, Stapy prevailed. He didn't know what to expect or find in the forest, and was kind of lost. He wasn't sure where to find food..or shelter.. he was starved, Free Food didn't give him anything to eat, and had they kept that up he would've been dead quickly.

He had been so speedy to get away earlier that he accidently tumbled down a steep slope while being distracted, landing right into some large rocks at the bottom. He smashed his face right into one and cracked the plastic around his left eye, so now was blind in it. It.. wasn't great. He hadn't quite adjusted yet and he felt uneasy due to the fact he couldn't see the surrounding area as well as before, and was now at more of a risk. As well this, it fucking hurt.

He felt weak and now even more vulnerable than before, arguably pathetic too. He had his hand over his blind eye, frowning to himself miserably as he made his way along. He was being slower so that he wouldn't make the same mistake as before..

Why would Fries free him? He couldn't wrap his head around it. The things he said..it indicated he knew he would get in trouble, so ..what compelled him to do it?

Why after so long of all this torment he had put Stapy through with the group.. why only now had something changed?

He was distracted by the hunger that took over his thoughts, groaning in annoyance due to the fact he craved food and yet.. couldn't find anything. He would've even resorted to eating plants, but he wasn't at that stage of desperation yet.

He wondered if any of the food objects had potentially been killed for a source of food yet. That wouldn't be surprising, despite how gruesome it was. He wondered if he would ever get to that stage.

He suddenly noticed glimpse of colour, averting his gaze over to the nearby bush that he was just about to pass.. berries? He trailed closer, inspecting them curiously. He took his hand away from his face, grabbing at one of them and giving it a tug.

It was hard to remove it, so he tugged harder to rip it off. It was yellow coloured..unlike any berry that he had really seen before. Not like a strawberry or a blackberry.. it was much different. He tried to wipe the rain drops off of it, bringing it close to his face to check it out.

He was starving.. honestly, he didn't care what they tasted like, he just wanted a source of food. At this point, anything would have to do.

He pulled off its stem, flicking it away into the mud. He gazed at it one last time, frowning before exhaling and going to pop it into his mouth.

That was, in fact, until Firey violently slapped it out of his hand just before he could, it being tossed to the floor. Stapy shouted in surprise, backing up from him in an instant reaction of terror.

"Don't eat that! Its poisonous!" Firey exclaimed, rolling his eyes in anger "Jeez! Didn't you know that?! Everyone knows that!"

Stapy didn't utter a word, startled by him. He wasn't sure how to react or what to say.. he hadn't really been able to communicate or see anyone else for a while, so wasn't sure what his initial reply would be.. he was feeling overwhelmed. He stared right at him, the rain and slight hail pouring over his plastic body.

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