41: Hidden intentions.

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After hours of Rs questioning the group, it was finally late evening. He had gotten a lot out of them, with force of course. He was amused to see them so caring for one of their friends. Well.. of course they would be.

The group had become a lot more co-operative the more questions Rs asked, since denying replying would just cause Tree more pain. He had to zap him here and there to force them to tell the truth, but other than that he was still alive.

Tree wished he wasn't. The pain was awful, he wished he just died there.

After finally finishing off the questioning, he had untied Tree and dragged him back over to his cage "I'm impressed. I really thought you'd die from that." He hummed, kicking him back into the cell where the others were held.

The rest of Rs' own group was still outside searching, the rain was still pouring, surprisingly. Everyone around kinda just thought it was a really bad storm, but they'll realise soon enough.

Tree weakly grunted as he was shoved back into the cell, landing on his knees. His whole body ached and burned on the inside, he felt numb and limp. Rf approached him as he was finally let back inside.

"T-Tree! Are you okay?!" She nervously asked, watching as he avoided looking at her. "I'm so happy you're alive.." the door to the cage was locked up again. "I-Im so sorry  that dickhead did that to you.. are you okay-?" She repeated.

"I'm not.." he muttered. He looked away from them, a little hurt that he had to pay for their refusal to answer questions. If they had been electrocuted because they didn't reply, it would probably be different.

"I-Its okay now.. " Anchor tried to comfort "It'll be-"

"Not to be rude.. but, I don't want to be spoken to right now.." He replied coldy, his words weak "..Don't..interact with me. At all." He turned away from them and leaned against the bars. He just wanted to rest after that awful experience.

Rf suddenly felt worse "...Wh-What? Tree..I.." she didn't know what to say, looking over to Needle for help. Needle glanced to the side "..I'm..sorry okay? We didn't.."

She noticed he wasn't listening, regardless. Nickel leaned forward "Just leave him. He's probably pissed and I don't blame him. Did you really have to be that snarky to Rubber Spatula, Needle?"

"Me?!" She suddenly spun over to him "You're the one who!-"

"Enough." Rs boomed, making them all be quiet in response to his threatning tone "I don't want to hear it. It's a little late to be making such a racket, hm?" He snarled, giving a grin.

"..Why are you doing this?" Anchor weakly asked. This caught the attention of Rs, who seemed intrigued at his question.

"What ever do you mean, old friend?"

"Why are you hurting us and doing this.." he held his arms "I ..I didn't want this. Nobody wanted this. This isn't our fault-"

Rs rolled his eyes, leaning on his stylus, the one that belonged to PDA. He found it in some ruins, and assumed he was dead. "Now now. Enough of that. You have no right to call yourselves innocent..you're engaging in unforgivable crimes against your friends."

"And so are you!" Needle shot back. Rs furrowed his eyebrows in annoyance.

"-and with good intention." They added on after. "I don't think you fully understand the harmful nature of your actions. However..how you get to understand. Right here, right now."

"But why US?!" Needle cried "We're just a small group! We've hardly done anything compared to!-"

"Oh, we will get to the others eventually. You're just one of many groups who will be tormented and taught a lesson of justice just like this. So will Two.. but you're all to blame, in your own ways."

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