45: Liars everywhere.

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Basketball got straight back to work when she got home. She was drained and fatigued, just wanting to collapse into the comfort of her bed and be consumed by sleep. Every surgery just tired her out more and more.. she hoped and hoped she wouldn't have to do something like this again.

Tennisballs surgery was finally over. She had attempted to bring him out of the induced coma, and luckily he seemed to be moving and shifting a lot more than before, indicating he was close to awakening. Because of this, she sat by his side so that she would be there for him when he woke up.

Apart from everything, she was overjoyed he was okay. She hadn't been able to talk to him for ages, and..to know he was still going to be alive was a huge relief; losing him would've been a sharp stab in the chest.

Just after he got attacked, she was certain even with surgery he wouldnt make it - but thankfully, he did. Well.. hopefully he would. There was still a possibility he wouldn't wake from the coma.

She doubted that would happen though, which was why she was waiting by his side, almost sleeping. Two had already paid a visit and checked out his surgery, thanking Basketball for her work. He said depending on Tennisball's condition, he wanted him to get back to work that same following day. Basketball told him that would be dangerous to make him work so soon, and convinced him to let Tennisball rest for a day or so before he did.

She bit her lip anxiously and swung her legs, sitting by the side of Tennisballs bed in a small plastic fold-away chair, watching him attentively. She had been there for a while after finishing up the surgery, leaning back tiredly and letting out a slow yawn.

"Oh.. Tennisball. How did this all happen.." she weakly sighed, pulling her legs up to her body, looking to the left. "..How.. did we mess up this badly.."

She listened to the silence of the room with the small hint of faint humming from the monitor that helped keep him alive, her question unanswered, obviously. She exhaled softly, looking up at the ceiling instead and examining the wooden planks.

"I really wish eveything could just ..go back to the way they were. When everyone was friends.. and happy." She closed her eyes "I wish we never met Two.. I wish.." she looked over to his unconscious body, trying not to get upset.

"I just.. wish everyone could have normal lives. I wish YOU could have a normal life.. aha.." she looked away again. "That's long gone.."

She let the silence take over again, just thinking to herself quietly. She thought about the past and the future..her friends that had died... and the ones that were still alive. The deaths.. eveyones losses. It was so difficult for everyone and it just kept getting worse and worse.

She felt her eyes prick with tears, sniffling "Oh.. I miss everything so much.."


She suddenly spun around to him, watching intensely as he grunted uneasily and slowly opened his eyes, blinking barely. She stood up immediately, "T-Tennisball-?" Her tears dispersed.

She couldn't force him to wake up, so didn't shake him "T-Tennisball?? Tennisball! Are you okay?-?" She repeated, watching as he groaned tiredly and sat up slowly, shuffling up from the bed.

"B-Basketballl..-?" He coughed slightly, grunting in pain "Ah..ugh-" he looked around carefully, noticing the hospital bed. He got a little nervous at the sight.

"Oh my goodness... you're okay! Oh wow- I-I can't believe you're actually..okay! I was so worried!"

"Wh-What happened-?" He weakly croaked "What.. where..ugh.. my head hurts so much.." he hadn't realised that his body had been patched up with Pillows, yet.

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