109: I'm not like you.

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It was morning, and the rain had finally began to grow less frequent. It had been the first time anyone had seem genuine sunlight for a while..the sky was beginning to clear up from the dark clouds that inhabited them. It was still cold though, and some of the areas that consisted of puddles had frozen over so it was likely it would revert back to snow soon. Even so.. it was still finally clear of rain, and that was really refreshing.

Basketball, Lollipop and Eraser had woken up from their somewhat disturbed sleep and.. it took a while for everything to set in from yesterday. Lollipop almost forgot everything happened when she awoke so when it sank back in it hurt. The morning had been quiet, and Blackhole had been distant and silent, barely talking to the group.

Over the course of the night, he had a lot to think about. The fact he hadn't been able to save his friends hadn't quite set in at first, but in retrospect he felt like shit for being the strongest contestant there but still unable to protect his friends. He felt so guilty about Lightning - he hadn't brought it up but that was the only thing on his mind. That and.. the deaths.

He deserved to die. Not Bomby or Fanny.

He was struggling a lot mentally right now but he was too nervous to mention or talk about it in fear of dimming the mood. Eraser yawned and stretched as he stood and scratched his head, groaning slowly and groggily. "..The rain is.. uh, clearing.. that's a nice change."

Basketball looked over as someone spoke, forcing a smile. "You know what? You're right. This is a nice morning. Should we go head out and look for food?" Basketball suggested, turning around to see what everyones opinions were as she was trying to keep the mood high.

"I'm so hungry - I NEED breakfast right now." Eraser commented, Basketball smiling softly at him. Lollipop yawned and rubbed her head. "Mm.. give me a moment Basketball. I'm still waking up." She mumbled.

"R-Right." Basketball let her do her thing. Last night she had dreamt of what happened yesterday but she wasn't going to say anything about it. She was really hoping her friends were okay.. she would feel so much better if she was just..around them all right now. The situation was much worse due to them being discouraged and split up.

They were a team.. they weren't meant to be separated.

"I've never really explored the forests much..I spent most of my time in that cell." Eraser pointed out, leaning against the cave wall. "I actually have no idea where we are. I kind of just followed your group when I got saved." He admitted.

"Well, you're in luck. I patrol these parts often enough to have some sort of idea of our whereabouts. I suppose you don't really know where we are either, Basketball?" Lollipop guessed, Basketball perking up and awkwardly laughing.

"Uhh.. how did you know..?" She joked weakly. Lollipop chuckled and walked over to her, putting her hand on her head. "No fear. Lollipop is here. I think I know where we can find some food. Though - I do not need to eat, remember?"

"A-Ah, right! Because you're a food object!" Basketball completely forgot about that. Eraser raised an eyebrow. "Huh.. does the robotic enhancements make you hungry?"

"No. I'm still a lollipop.. just - with extra metal, I guess." She supposed, adjusting her eye piece. "Are you ready to go, Blackhole?" Lollipop turned to him on her heel, putting her hands on her waist as she had been the first one to address him.

"Wh-What?" His gentle voice broke the familiarity of all of their voices, and it was only then obvious how quiet he had been.. Basketballs smile faded and her face morphed into an expression of concern. "H-Hey, everything alright? You've been super quiet. "

"I'm...fine." Blackhole took a small moment to pick what word he wanted to use, which made Lollipop curious. "Are you sure? I understand you are quiet anyways, but you've hardly spoken since we woke up. What is on your mind?"

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