104: Maybe I was wrong.

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"Mg.." Blocky sat in front of a pile of sticks, on his knees with one stick grasped in his hand, him vigorously rubbing it against some leaves that were underneath. He had his tongue sticking out in concentration, but he was in no mood to feel happy. Rain pounded down from all around, despite it being hard to see because of the darkening forest. It was cold.. and a fire was mandatory, especially because he and Clock had been in the river.

After Gb, Tb, and Snowball found Blocky and Clock, the group had stuck together and attempted to find the others.. they had no luck, none of them were anywhere to be seen. Blocky had alerted them over the deaths of 8-ball and Woody, since he had seen them die, but wasn't aware of the other deaths that had occured.. except Bombys but everyone knew about that.

They had no clue what happened to everyone else. They hoped they had all managed to run away but.. that seemed unlikely.

Snowball was in a terrible mood because he lost sight of both Basketball and Pen, and he had no idea where either of them went. He was worried that he would lose them.. they were basically all he had. He had felt this way before when Pen had been at risk, same with Basketball not coming to see him, but this time it felt worse.. because he knew they were in direct danger, and that it would have been so easy for them to get hurt.

Blocky felt awful too .. for many many reasons. Some were related to the whole group itself, some Pen and Eraser, Woody of course.. Clock, too. He had been trying to keep strong for everyone else but it was so difficult when the only thing he could see was Woodys face seconds before he was blasted out of view and killed. He was dead.. he couldn't protect him. Woody sacrificed his LIFE for him - why would he do that...?

He was scared.. he couldn't handle anymore. It felt like it hadn't properly set in but everytime he was reminded he felt sick.

Clock didn't feel great either, in fact he felt the worst he had ever felt. Tennisball hadn't spoken, and Golfball felt guilty. Why didn't she kill Liy sooner? This would have all been avoided.. she was concerned for the rest of the group, but also for Blocky. He wasn't holding up to well, she could see how much he was hurting. She was trying to be open minded about the situation.. she just felt guilty because she had Tb with her still and.. the others didn't have that. Though in a way she was glad she had Tennisball, she didn't know what she would do if she was parted from him again.

The group had found a large tree and decided to set up an area they could sleep in by putting some leaves on the ground for mild comfort. They couldn't go in the rain much because Snowball was extremely vulnerable to it, so didn't have much time to look around and therefore that was the best they could get.

Golfball awkwardly sat and observed as Blocky struggled to set up a fire, biting her lip in thought. She went to speak up, deciding it was probably best. "Blocky.. maybe someone else should do it." She commented, speaking over the silence of the group and the pounding rain.

"I-I got it. Just gimme a sec." He claimed, again and squinted, determined to be the one who sets up the fire. Golfbal silently sighed, defeated. She knew it would be pointless and that he wouldn't budge, turning her attention to the rest of the group alternatively.

She felt awkward because she didn't know Snowball or Clock very well, and she had only just reunited with Tennisball a few days ago - they had talked but were only just adjusting to seeing each other again. It felt weird that she would be forced to talk to him.. she looked around at everyone, who were all just sat and thinking different things to themselves. Everyone obviously had a lot to think about.. what had just happened was a tragedy, the shared hatred for Liy was insane..

Why didn't they just kill her like Jr said. She should have known better.

They had only just managed to somewhat get used to the fact Fries was gone and they needed a new plan for the future, and now this? Not to mention the whole Donut situation.. She felt bad for 8-ball, in a way.. and Woody and Bomby. She felt bad for Blocky too.. this probably hurt him a lot.

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