83: Falling apart.

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CW: Themes of suicidal thoughts.

Front Row had lost sight of the group, and unfortunately did not know where they had went. Two was absolutely fuming, this was their last straw to finally do something dramatic about the security. They had something extremely different in mind, something that would change everything. Unfortunately they could not make it themselves so needed Basketball to do it, but that still didn't change how angry they were about all of this.

Their main concern was how their group managed to lose them. It baffled Two; how their group managed to let this slide and allow this to happen right in front of them, what went wrong? How was the intruders not caught?! After being told some information, turns out Blackhole was a traitor and had probably been pretending the whole time, they wanted him dead. He was long gone though.

Once Front Row came back empty handed, Two called for an emergency meeting inside the hall, with mandatory attendance..they had been aware they still had Pin locked up, as well as X, but that wasn't good enough, it really fucking wasn't. It wasn't about just that, it was about the fact that something this big had managed to slip through everyones fingers and ended up working out just how the opposite side had planned. Blackhole must've prepared to do this the whole time! Did he lie to Fries about wanting to surrender? Two also noticed some other mistakes that caught their eye, and they were going to bring it up in the meeting.

"Please.. PLEASE can someone tell me how this managed to happen?!" Two raged, their face in their hands in distress.. how did this even occur?! They eyed the crowd up and down and glared at each of them expectantly, as if they were supposed to give a valid answer. Donut was looking across to the side as he was forced to stand next to the number, Coiny making no expression as he too endured the same.

"Am I talking to a WALL?! Someone better speak up BEFORE I LOSE IT!!!" Two screamed, clenching their fists together tighter. Loser knew that Barfbag wanted him to keep quiet about this whole thing where Fries knew the plan and everything, so had to be careful about what he said. The whole group was crowded together within the hall, watching as Two stood there at the front in an utter rage and waited for a valid response. Fries noticed Donut looked uncomfortable.. he didn't blame him.

"F-Front Row went to the electrical room, Two. They were trapped there by Blackhole.." Barfbag pointed out, kind of intimidated by Twos glare. "Fries escaped but was knocked out. Leafy escaped after.. but.."

Right.. she was currently in the medical room with Basketball after receiving that awful injury. Tree awkwardly looked to the side, hoping nobody would catch on that he had been in on this.. Loser noticed him look away.. he decided to say nothing just yet about his suspicions on him.

"I ALREADY know THAT.." Two snarled, growing further irritated by the lack of answers. "I'm fully AWARE of what Blackhole did.. once I get my hands on him.. oh, you don't want to know.." they spoke through gritted teeth, their tone deadly. Coiny gripped his sword tight, trying to endure through this shouting.

Everytime someone..mentioned CLOCK or PIN or ERASER, even.. "Blocky" .. he got faint visions and memories of them. He was starting to get distressed due to them all, and was finding it hard not to care. He didn't want to care, he didn't want to remember. He squeezed his eyes shut and just hoped that the visions would go away.. he just wanted to leave this stupid room.

"Well, the lights came on and then we chased them-" Balloony began, but was cut off. "Yeah, then what?!" Two snapped, not pronouncing their t. "How did they do all that and manage to get away?! You have a GUN, Balloony! Come on!"

"Loser took it and shot instead!" He retorted panickedly, defending himself immediately. Loser flinched and scoffed as he was put in the spotlight, crossing his arms as Two was now glaring at him instead. "How dare you blame this on me. We ALL got tricked by Blackhole, not just me! We ALL fail-" Two cut him off again.

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