127: Reflections.

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Night fell quickly, and the storm began to act once again. The rain had began to fall and the thunder had began to strike, not like anyone in the base could actually see it with the shutters covering every opening possible. It could only be heard, and Liy struggled to rest with the rain pounding on the glass of her window, the one that was blocked off by Two. She groaned and buried her head into her pillow, trying to block it out, as well as the pain in her body.

After she had been beaten up by her new enemies yesterday, she had passed out for a while. She woke up in a mess of her own blood, and so she had to clean up AGAIN. She was surprised she wasn't dead.. but knew she wouldn't be so lucky next time. Though.. it's better their attention was diverted to her rather than Coiny or something else.. she could handle them while others couldn't, and she saw that for herself a few days ago when Gelatin stood clueless in the face of Barfbag.

Liy had nothing to lose.

She had spent most of her day recovering in her bed from being beaten yesterday, having tried to bandage up her now missing arm. Luckily it was the one she didn't use much.. but it had been her previously NON injured one. The one she was left with had been hurt by Barfbag during when she being blackmailed in Twos underground room.

At least it was her good arm.. though, because she could still fight. If she lost her ability to fight she would practically be helpless. She was terrible with her left arm, so was kind of glad that one was gone instead of her right one.

She had never thought Barfbag to be the violent type, but oh did she think wrong. Barfbag had changed a lot.. she was practically someone else. Not because of anyone else, she chose to be this way.. it was clear that she was just greedy and sadistic.

So Liy had tried to get some rest to help heal her wounds, hoping Two would be gaslit into thinking that she was always this hurt and they wouldn't think anything of her newly sliced off arm. She had been having trouble getting used to the fact she only had one arm to do things with, it was harder than she had expected it to be. Stupid Barfbag ..Liy would make sure she paid for all of this eventually. She was starting to be a bigger threat than Two themselves.

She lay in her bed currently, her gaze focused on her ceiling while her arm rested on her chest. God ..her body hurt so much.. luckily she was plastic and durable.. unlike Loser, who would probably die if she punched him a dozen times. She did not feel good though .. this was the most she had been hurt before.

Someone knocked on her door, hard.

She sat up immediately, giving a tired groan as her first thought was that it was going to be Barfbag or Loser.. though, she then thought more logically. If it had been either of them, they would have just let themselves in. Okay.. who did that leave? Was it Two? God, that was worse, please no. She cleared her throat. "Come innn.." she weakly called, sliding her legs over the edge of her bed to wait.

The door opened faster than she expected, and Coiny came through almost instantly, slamming it shut behind him like he was afraid of being seen. He had his sword with him, and held it up as soon as he made his way inside, remaining tense in the presence of Liy, the sound of the slammed door having echoed off the walls, before leaving the two in temporary silence. She was amused.. she would have made a joke but she didn't feel up to it. Actually.. yeah, she was up to it.

"Wow.. this is a lot different than I remember, did we switch roles?" She tiredly sneered, smirking at him weakly as he seemed so serious. He kept a careful eye on her, noticing her arm.. what... on earth happened to her. He didn't want to get distracted, looking away from it and clutching his sword tighter.

"Enough!" He raised his voice back at her in demand to make her be quiet, but didn't look like he was trying to be threatening.. it looked like he was scared. She decided not to make any sudden moves, kind of curious as to what brought him here.. obviously he was here for a reason, and she wanted to know what that reason was.

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