99: Finally giving in.

978 21 151

TW: Themes of suicide. Please avoid first part of chapter if you feel you need to avoid this.

Since Donut hadn't been able to use his powers in the atmosphere he was in, he had decided to go to the roof where he could properly clear his headspace and use that to his advantage to attempt to teleport to the lab. He was trying to be quick with it but the harder he tried the more unsuccessful he was, so figured he needed to put less stress on himself to achieve. He just needed to get in the right mindset so he could use his powers properly..which was more difficult than it sounded.

He walked up the stairs to the roof, pushing open the double doors and letting them swing open as he forced his way through. He exhaled.. it was so refreshing to get some fresh air, the coldness helped him wake up. He brushed himself off and sighed, the doors swinging shut as he moved away from them.

It was nice and quiet up here.. too. He glanced up at the sky and noticed the clouds.. rain was coming soon, again. He knew this must've been more of Twos influence. He rubbed his arms and frowned, looking back down and going to walk around to find somewhere he could sit and temporarily relax himself, needing to so that he could teleport himself. The roof didn't have much up there.. except from the watch tower and electrical room. It was essentially just.. another floor, but with no roof. He didn't expect to find much, walking around the electrical room to get to one of the edges so he could sit down and calm himself.

Except.. he found something else.

Coiny stood on the edge of the building, his back facing Donut with his sword on the floor behind him. He appeared like he was looking off at the view, but it clicked instantly to Donut what was actually happening here. He felt himself freeze up and almost stumble in surprise, taken aback by the sight, just stopping to be able to take it all in.

Coiny was so close to the edge that it was obvious what he was doing.. he was attempting to kill himself.. the amnesia stuff must've gotten to stressful for him.. that's why he hadn't been around. That's why he had been so distant.. THIS was why. "C-COINY!" Donut instinctively yelled, putting his hand up and running over.

They had never been on good terms since Coiny never liked him.. he didn't like opening up in front of Donut about his issues which Donut didn't blame him for ever since he found out what Two did to him. He just didn't expect THIS to happen.. he would have never have predicted that Coiny would do this... he underestimated his feelings.. and how much it was getting to him.

He should've known he was struggling a lot more than he realised.. he should have known ever since that encounter at night with Coiny destroying his stuff.. he was clearly unstable, and this was the final straw.

Coiny's eyes widened as his name was called, turning around in terror as someone had found him, panic filling him fast, "..FUCK off Donut!!!!" Coiny screamed back at him aggressively, gripping his hands together from his tension. He didn't want him to be here, he just wanted him to leave. He was not in a good headspace, and when Donut stopped to look at him he was close enough to see that he was crying.

"C-Coiny- wh-what the hell are you doing?! Get away from the edge!" Donut pleaded, pointing away from it.

Coiny growled at him and wiped away his tears angrily, sniffing and looking down at the ground that was far far away from where he was, blinking. Some tears fell from his eyes and he watched them fall downwards. "...Leave me ALONE!" He yelled at Donut, but his words echoed off the edge.

"Th..This isn't right!" Donut cried loudly to him, not wanting to get too close because he didn't want to startle him. He had NO idea what to so in this situation and had never imagined being in one like this. He felt tense and knew saying just one wrong thing might mess this all up, so many thoughts were going through his head as he was trying to figure out what to do. "..Please-" he begged him.

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