50: The right thing to do?

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A few hours had passed and lunch time dragged by, for Donut at least. Gelatin wasn't around and neither was Barfbag - he didn't realise how much he needed them until he noticed how lonley he felt without them. He didn't feel like being trapped in that place for much longer, stuffy and stressed, so went to leave and wait outside for Fries instead.

He hung around the outskirts boredly, leaned against a tree. Eventually he sat down by it after growing tired of standing, almost dozing off.

He had to bandage himself up due to the injury that Fries gave him.. so was kind of glad he hadn't seen Gelatin yet, because he knew he would be on his back trying to figure out what happened. Donut could lie.. but Gelatin seemed to be annoyingly good at noticing when he was fibbing.

Fries had tried to look around for Yellowface and Tv after lunch, due to the fact he hadn't seen either of them and that made him nervous. He tried to brush it off, but it was really hard to ignore. Yf could be telling him anything.

He was so frustrated, so was trying to allow his anger to wear off.

He gave up looking for them eventually because he knew he was supposed to be meeting up with Donut, anxiety cursing itself within him. It wouldn't leave.. he hadn't told anyone about his sercet yet and wished he could keep it that way. But.. he promised he would tell Donut. Well, maybe Donut would understand if he changed his mind?

He doubted it.

Barfbag was guarding the door, and it was easy for him to leave anyways because he was apart Free Food and they could leave whenever. He jogged and lugged his shovel along with him, trying to find where Donut was.

He hadn't seen him in the base, and since they planned to meet up outside after lunchtime, he assumed he was already waiting.

The temperature had dropped severely. There was no more rain anymore, instead just light snow. The snow wasn't piling because of the wet ground and surfaces, so that was a positive. However it was very cold. Donut had gotten used to it, but Fries kept shivering, the cold wind biting at him.

Honestly, people had begun to catch on that it was Two's doing at this point. Though, Two hadn't said anything.

He didn't want it to be obvious that he was looking for Donut so didn't call for him. He searcged around trees and and bushes, peering into distances to try and spot him.


He turned to his left, looking down and noticing Donut sat there casually. He seemed a little surprised to see Fries, w
leaning back with one of his arms resting on his knee. He seemed to be pretty chilled out, as if he had been there for a while.

Fries looked around just to double check if anyone was there, before exhaling longingly. "Have you been here for a while..?" He wondered, moving down and sitting himself next to him carefully. He groaned and leaned back too, relaxing gently. The tree was rigid against his back, but it just felt nice to sit down.

"I guess so. I just wanted some fresh air .."  He murmured, tightening up his bowtie. He looked down to the ground, Fries being visible in the corner of his eye. He noticed Fries was still tense.

Fries dismissed his answer and placed down his shovel on his lap, holding it with both of his hands on the handle "Well.." He gave a glance to him, before looking back to the side. "You go first." He encouraged.


"Your bad news. You go first."

"What? No!" Donut suddenly retorted, crossing his arms unhappily "Why should I go first?? That's just suspicious of you!" He complained, unamused.

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