57: Wish to help.

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Needle had been waiting with Match inside the train carriage for a little while, talking about the past and establishing things between each other. Match had not been aware of how corrupt Two was to their own side, and how basically everyoe was being forced to obey them.. well mostly everyone, there was obviously a few objects who didn't fall into this category.

They had talked for around an hour, and Match showed Needle around the other carriages. There were two more, and each carriage seemed to be a different room for each of the three debuters that lived there. The one they had waited inside was apparently Onigiris. Match got along with her the best.. the others were kind of intimidating.

The group had eventually returned, with a basket of fruits they had forged from the edges of the forest. Of course they were shocked to see Needle there.. they hadn't expected to see anyone from Twos side. Match told them her story, and about Rs. Of course..this was startling. They were unsure on whether to trust the truthfulness of her claims, too.

"Wh-Why did you come here?? It was a warning, didn't you get it?" Onigiri stressed, going to hold her arms "We were telling you to be careful.. that Rs had been attacking and stalking you.." she looked down, almost in disappointment. Needle couldn't tell if she was disappointed at the group or herself.

Needle sighed heavily, leaning back against one of the carriage walls and frowning, shrugging it off. "Yeah well.. one of our friends were really determined to get payback. So.. now we are here." She murmured. She wished they had stayed at home.. there wasn't even any point of coming there.

"Two didn't send you?" PDA was rather amused, going to put away his crowbar and hook it onto a hinge on the wall. "Well, that was rather stupid. " he chuckled and brushed his hand off, yelping as Leek nudged him to get him to be quiet.

"Are they still alive?" Leek questioned coldly, giving her a threatening glare, even if they didn't mean to. She nervously shrugged, scuffing her foot and looking down to the wooden planks, tracing the dust between the edges with her foot. "I-I don't know? They were when I escaped.. so I hope they still are..." she looked up and rubbed the back of her head, dreading to think what would have happened to them..

"It's okay, we can get something done about it." Onigiri pat her shoulder in an attempt to sooth her. PDA perked up and made a face of concern, looking over to her in confusion "We will?" He almost laughed.

"Yes." She hissed through her teethin an aggressive tone. Leek ignored them and gently placed their tazer on a table, crossing their arms and turning their attention back to Needle. "We could.. but I need to know more about you first. I'm not sure if we can trust you.. just yet."

"What?" Needle and Match said in union. Needle backed down from being so defensive once she understood their reasoning. It was only logical that they were hesitant to trust her.

"Well, yes." PDA hummed, tapping his cheek in thought. "You didn't think you could just waltz on in here and ask us for help? We don't even know who we are saving." He gave her a smug look, before lightly laughing "We aren't a charity, darling."

"I-I know.." Needle stammered, a little shameful.

Match decided to cut in "Look- guys.. after what Needle has told me, like, the majority of Twos side are victims to Twos control. They're being forced..can trust her.. I'm sure. She's genuine.."

"Oh? Well, tell that to the many groups of them who go out and slaughter their friends." PDA scoffed sarcastically, Onigiri glaring at him, before looking back at Match "W-We know...Match, which is why we sent that warning to them on the radio. We know that Rubber Spatula deciding to attack them wasn't..exactly the greatest way to handle the situation."

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