113: Ignorance is bliss.

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The news of Pin had not yet got around to the rest of the base, as Two themselves were not even aware of what had occurred..mainly because they didn't have anything to do with it. It was clear who it was and.. it was right. Barfbag and Loser hadn't told Yf their plan on killing Pin just yet. They made it look like a suicide for the sake of protecting themselves, and hadn't said to Yf about it. They did it because of Coiny mostly.. they knew for a little while Coiny had been on the verge of finding out things he shouldn't.. like his memories. As of now it was probably too late to revert him back.. but it would make their job easier if he was still a confused mess.

The problem was.. they had this complex plan to take down Two and.. Yellowface was clearly the weak link in their group. He was good for nothing more than manipulation.. so if worst came to worst the pair planned to throw him under the bus if Two found out the suicide of Pin was fake. They planned to blame Yf and say he made her.. but this was only if they needed too.

Nobody visited the basement so nobody else had seen her yet.. so nobody was bothered as of currently. It wasn't like Coiny Gelatin or Donut would tell anyone right now. Either way, this meant that the base members were blissfully unaware of the tragedy that had occured just underneath them.

Lightning, Tree and Gaty were spending time with each other now that they had some time too. Evening was coming and since it wasn't very busy right now the group could kill some time together. They had started to get on rather well and Lightning felt comfortable around the both of them.. it was fairly easy to befriend Gaty even if she was closed off because of her situation. She seemed kind of relaxed now she knew Lollipop was all good... and she was just a very friendly person.

"I'm sorry I've been spending the nights in your room, Gaty." Tree apologised sympathetically as he sat himself on his bed and crossed his legs, admiring his room as the two did as well. "It just.. well, I struggled to be alone after what happened.. however I feel much better now. It hurts still but, I should be able to return to my own room tonight." He explained, swinging one of his legs mildly.

Gaty laughed awkwardly and sunk onto the floor into a sitting position."Oh, it's all good! I was pretty lonely anyways so, even if you kept me awake super late it's chill. " she joked.

Lightning played with his metallic hands and floated down next to Tree. "It's cool!! Even if you feel alone, my room is just across the hall!" He pointed out, adding onto what Gaty said.

"Ah, right." Tree nodded gratefully, looking back and forward between the both of them. "Though, you are rather bright and I do struggle to sleep with any sort of presence of light or whatever."

Lightning frowned at him, causing Tree to utter a chuckle and wave his hand up and down to signal brushing it off. "I'm only joking Lightning. Thank you for such an offer .."

"It's been a while since I've spent so much time in here.." Tree changed the subject and pondered this, leaning back on his bed to observe the room from where he lay. "Ah- Ow-" he suddenly grumbled, sitting up irritably.

"What's up?" Gaty furrowed her eyebrows as he turned around and felt around under his pillow with a confused expresson, looking to the side. Lightning floated up in curiosity.

"It's just.. there's something under here.." he uttered as if he was talking to himself, gripping something in his hand before pulling it out slowly from underneath his pilllw. He took a moment to process what it was exactly, before Gaty spoke up instead and cut him off from his thoughts.

"H-Hey.. isn't that one of the .. band disabling device things?? Why the heck would it be here??" She stepped closer to get a look, standing on her tip toes to peak closer. "Am I wrong??" Tree didn't reply, lost in his own world of thought as he too attempted to figure out what it was. He traced his hand over it.. why would this be here?

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