114: Stronger than ever.

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Blackhole lead the group through the forest and guided them to where he remembered seeing the other group. It would be nice to all be together again.. well, mostly all of them. Pen was still missing and Naily hadn't been spoken of. Not only that but Woody and 8-ball weren't there.. the group didn't know that those two had died, however. Basketball was making conversation with Blackhole, as she wanted to catch up now they could speak to each other. Lollipop was quiet, mostly because she was in her own world of thought.

She knew that they would have to tell the others about Fanny and Lightning.. as sad as that was. She knew they had to know.. because they couldn't just abandon Lightning and forget about him. She wasn't sure if the other group had any other information about the others who were seemingly missing... because that could be possible. Afterall, they had bad news so.. why wouldn't the others have bad news too?

Eraser was quiet also, but Lollipop knew that it was most likely because of the absence and unknown status of Pen. She looked back at him briefly, before looking back ahead of her and rubbing her hands together to wark them. It was getting dark and getting colder, especially because of the snow. It hadn't been warm for a while.. Two had probably caught on that the cold weather meant more prolonged suffering. If there was fire sure it was deadly but, it so was quick. So many died from the forest fire alone, the cold had only caused them to weaken. Though if it was constantly cold survival over a long period of time would be unlikely.

She held her arms and looked down at the ground, looking at the snow as it began to pile below them. Basketballs footprints were visible because she was ahead of her.. she knew they'd cover over anyways so it wasn't a problem. "Where exactly did you see this group?" Lollipop suddenly questioned Blackhole, looking up at him and interjecting into the conversation between him and Basketball.

Blackhole paused. "Hm? Oh uh, right over there, I think. It just takes a little longer cuz' I could.. fly over the trees and.. you guys, uh, can't. Sorry.. but uh, yeah. Just this way." He explained eventually, taking a small turn.

Lollipop looked back at Eraser. "Did you get that?" She checked, raising her brow. Eraser perked up. "What? Yeah, uhhh. Just ..there " he pointed into a direction, half laughing because he hoped that it was the right one as he hadn't been paying attention. Lollipop got that impression and frowned, but knew why he was so absent minded. "Come now. We will finally see Blocky and the others. Isn't that what you wanted?" She hummed.

"Yeah.." he muttered and shrugged, but didn't add anything onto that. His gaze drifted off and he stopped paying attention to Lollipop again, her rolling her eyes before turning back to where she was headed, swatting some snow out of her way as it was getting on her visor. "This place better have some sort of shelter." She complained with an irritated tone.

"Just here.." Blackhole made his way over a few bushes, which the group had to step across. He recognised the big tree and began to make his way over, and that was when the three could clearly see the other group just up ahead.. their colours were obvious in the brown and green nature. Basketball squealed in joy and hopped over the bush, sprinting over. "Snowball!! Tennisball!!" She cried in joy, almost slipping.

"Basketball?" The pair said at the same time. Tennisball had been awake but Snowball had been asleep, so he sat up in surprise. He yelled in shock as she suddenly crashed into him into a hugging motion, him calming down when he realised who it was. "Wait .- you're back? And okay?" He felt so much relief, and hugged her without regret.

"B-Basketball! I-I'm so happy you're okay! We..We thought you.. didn't make it-" he trailed off but went to lean into her in a hug motion, smiling weakly from their reunion. She was okay.. this was definitely relaxing. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if she died.. especially because of what he did.

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