108: Working as a team.

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"Firey?? Where the hell did you go??" Shampoo called out into the forest while having his hands around his mouth to try and make his voice louder, paranoid for his friend. It was raining hard and it was getting dark, so he was getting really worried about him. He had been looking for a long enough amount of time to be reasonably worried about him, glancing from side to side weakly as he hoped to catch a glimpse of him.

Shampoo promised Firey he would stay in place until Firey returned but he had been gone for so long that he didn't want to wait any longer for him - it had been bothering him way too much for him to brush it off. He was scared something awful had occurred .. or he had bailed on him and left. He wished he had just came with Firey to look.. separating was a terrible idea.. Shampoo had been too tired to think much of it at first when he let Firey go wonder off. He should've just made Firey stay. He hated feeling strong regret because he promised himself he would stop making stupid mistakes. It didn't seem to be stopping, though.

"Firey! Please.. if you can hear me, say something!!" Shampoo cried again into the dark distance, his voice mildly cracking. He became increasingly worried as time progressed more and more. He couldn't bare to think of his friend in danger.. especially in the situation they were in right now. Firey was the only object he had befriend ever since Shampoo lost all his friends.. he would be broken if he lost Firey too.

Luckily, Firey was safe of course, having just saved Stapy from the warehouse. After he left it he couldn't remember where he came from so got mildly lost in the darkness..it wasn't anything horrific. Though as it got darker and the rain picked up he did begin to get concerned for Shampoo.. he knew he would've started looking for him by now.

"So.. someone else is with us?" Stapy clarified, hopping along to follow Firey as the trees barely sheltered them from the heavy rainfall. Firey nodded to confirm his question, moving a low branch out the way as he walked along the path. "Uh, yup. He's gotta lotta shit going on so, try and be sensitive about that.. cuz you're seriously so bad at being nice." Firey grumbled insulting.

"Hey! I can be nice! And- as if you're an angel yourself. You're just as bad as me." Stapy argued back.

"Mmmnah. You're worse than me. Whatever! I don't care. Just...do what I say, okay?? I did save your ass.." Firey huffed, looking over at him briefly before looking back in front of himself. "He's okay.. he's smart.. "

"Yeah.. I dunno. Everyone is smart in your eyes." Stapy shrugged passively, following blindly. Firey glared back at him again, clearly irritated by his comment. "See?! You did it again!!"

"Hey! Shampoo isn't here. I'm doing what you asked." Stapy reorted, glaring back at him. Firey rolled his eyes at his ridiculousness and focused back on where they were headed.. he had no idea if this was right way and he didn't have a clue if Shampoo was there. He might've even walked off and been in a completely different area.

"Ugh, no! Shit!!" Firey suddenly stopped in realisation, putting his hands on his head. "I-I can't let Shampoo find that warehouse! Rubber Spatula will just take control of him!"

Stapy stopped as well, noticing this too.. "..B-But isn't he a debuter? Rs should favor him or something.." he tried to comfort.

"Tape and Winner were the same.. they were brainwashed! He clearly doesn't care!! Ugh, what a psycho.." Firey leaned his back against the tree, feeling pessimistic about all of this. "Oh.. Stapy, I dunno.. what am I gonna do NOW? He's clearly not anywhere to be seen.. whats wrong with me? I can't keep more than one friend without ..losing them because of my stupidity. " he put his hand on his head, beginning to feel upset.

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