82: You lost!

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Part 2

"This one's taking forever to open-" Blocky grunted in strain, struggling to break open the lock to Erasers cell. He held the axe above himself before bringing it down rapidly and swiftly whacking at the chains with its sharp edge, wincing at the loud noise it made upon impact. Clock swallowed, looking back up to where the stairs were ".. Wh-What if they come..?" He fussed.

"They won't, it'll be fine.." Bomby reassured weakly, but he too was starting to get a little worried, flinching as Blocky hit the chains again. They hadn't even opened Pins cell yet.. Eraser was making sure to keep back as Blocky whacked at the chains with all his might, wiping off some sweat from his forehead "G-Gh, these are stronger than Clocks.. why is that??" Blocky breathed.

Eraser trailed off, shrugging "U-Uuh, I did try to escape..once." he admitted, flinching as Blocky whacked it with the axe again, the harsh sound of metal echoing off the walls. Blocky raised an eyebrow, a little surprised to hear that "F-For real? Jeez, Eraser.."

Bomby was getting mildly impatient "H-Hey, let me try." He requested Blocky, putting a hand on his shoulder to make him stop. Blocky huffed, giving jn "Fine.." he stepped away, looking down at Clock now that he could. He seemed distant..he was probably super nervous about being out like this. Blocky put a hand on his head, him jumping and pulling back at the contact "Gh-"

"You alright..?" Blocky tried to smile but.. in all honesty seeing Clpck like this made him sad. He could see his injury now he was close up, the chunk taken out of his face was chilling and frustated Blocky even more. Clock looked away and nodded, trying to seem fine. "I-I am."

Blockys gaze slowly trailed over to the locked room at the end of the hall.. he hadn't noticed this before."H-Hey, is anyone in there? Or is it empty?" He looked back at Clock, insistent on an answer.

Clock seemed uncomfortable at the question, opening his mouth to speak but.. it looked like he was having a hard time putting what he wanted to say into words. He was about to begin, until he was cut off by Bomby.

Blocky flinched as Bomby whacked the lock with his baseball bat a lot harder than Blocky had been doing it, his attention drawn to that instead "J-Jeez, Bomby! I didn't know you were so strong-!" He joked and put his hands on his sides, impressed.. maybe he would ask Clock later.

Bomby gritted his teeth, gripping the bat in his hand before swinging it and violently whacking the bars loudly. Eraser covered his ears, surprised as the lock finally dropped to the ground. "Not many people do." Bomby huffed.

Blocky trailed over as soon as it was open and swiftly made his way into the cell, going to hug Eraser before anything else was said, Eraser closing his eyes and doing the same back. "I'm..so happy to see you-" he weakly whispered, tiredness in his voice. Blocky smiled and parted, patting his back. "Me too.. let's hurry and get this over and done with.." he went to move back, before swinging the axe down to Erasers ankle weight, trying to cut it off.

Clock was still extremely weary..this felt too good to be true. Every time he had gotten hopeful about something it always ended miserably.. who was to say that wasn't the same in this situation? He kept looking up at the stairs fearfully for anyone to come and realise what they were doing.. he still had no idea how the two of them were getting away with something like this.

Clock flinched as Blocky whacked at Erasers chains, drifting his gaze over to Pin, who looked a little down. He hesitated to go to her, before wearily walking over. It felt so weird to finally be able to walk, since his legs had been cuffed he usually tripped immediately so couldn't go anywhere "A-Are..you okay?"

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