77: Lollipop.

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Lollipop slowly lifted her head from the heavy rubble that lay over her, groaning quietly from the pain as small chunks of broken pieces of building slid off her as she tried to lift herself from it. She moved a single hand to feel her head, smoothing down it and realiing it was cracked, flinching at the feeling of a massive chunk missing from her head.

She began to panic, struggling to stand over the fallen pieces of wood and random belongings. She stumbled, on her hands and knees as she looked up.

There was dust and debris all around, she was still dazed and was struggling to understand what was going on, crawling to try and stand. She coughed from the dust and tried to wave it out of her face, hearing screaming erupt from all around.

She had just been in the kitchen of her team cabin, when suddenly an explosion occurred and the whole thing seemed to collapse violently. She was surprised she was still alive, still in the process of trying to gather herself and realise what just happened, managing to stand..

She felt uneasy, trying to stand straight but there was nowhere flat, trying to walk to move herself out of the scene.. what just happened still hadn't quite set in, and her head was in pain. She tried to make out what was happening but it all felt like a strange dream, disorientated.

"PILLOW!! LETS GO!" She heard Pen shout from somewhere to her left, her confused. She heard more shouting and screaming, and when she looked up she suddenly realised why, observing as Two was hurting other objects.

"Two destroyed all the cabins!!!" Someone cried, rushing over to where The Losers cabin was. She couldn't tell who, too dizzy "C-Clock?! Clock!!!"

"We gotta get outta here!" Someone ran past her while holding someone elses hand, she wasn't sure who they were either. She rubbed her head as she watched someone scramble from Team Ice cubes cabin, then run off into the forest, tripping up.

Lollipop couldn't see any of her team.. she tried to think straight, noticing that some objects weren't running. In fact, she watched as Leafy pounced on Bottle and smashed her with her fist.. what was happening..? She backed up fearfully

"R-Run Lollipop!" Jr cried as he ran past her. "Jr.. why are you back from the exit..?" Lollipop questioned wobbly, confused and dazed. Jr flinched as someone screamed behind him. "Just run to the fucking forest! Can't you see?! Anyone who sided with Four is getting fucking slaughtered!"

Jr didn't hang around any longer, running off into the forest to get to safety. Lollipop backed up as she took Jrs word for it, admittedly scared. "B-Book? Taco..? Saw!" She called, but none of them replied because none were around.


Lollipop awkwardly stood at the frame of Golfballs door, it was the enterance to her personal room where she was currently working on RoboTB. Lollipop hadn't really spoken to anyone after her meltdown last night, and was finding it hard to gather the courage to speak to Golfball.

This felt nothing like her.. she was acting so strange but she knew why.. she just..missed her friends to the point it was affecting her physically. She wanted to ask Gb a question, but knew she was probably busy..

She had been stood at the door for a while, just thinking about what she would say and how she would say it. She had walked away a few times, but then returned and realised she really needed to do this. She had been trying to gather the mental courage, pacing a little in thought.. what would she even say..? She tried to suck it up and just go through with it, sighing loudly.

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