7: Lunchtime.

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It was lunchtime. Everyone had to work super hard today because of the robbery, well most did. Not everyone.

There was food served up in the cafeteria, summoned by Two. There was different things you could pick out for yourself, as well as trays and plates to put it on.

This was basically their only freetime they got... any other time they were just sleeping or working. Sleeping isn't really freetime.

Gelatin was sat at the table with Donut, grinning and smiling at him as he chewed his peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He didn't need to eat since he was a food product himself but he was still doing it because why not

Donut was boredly leaning on the table, drawing circles with his finger on it as he was fed up. Barfbag was sat on the table too, eating a sandwich as well.

Donut felt bored of everything. He was tired of doing this over and over. This routine.. he wanted it to end, he really did. He was sick of doing what Two said, sick of believing him.

He glanced towards the table Free Food was on, raising an eyebrow. Stapy was looking at Donut. He was starving, since he had the tape over his mouth he couldn't eat food when he wanted, the group usually forgot to let him eat and randomly remembered.

He looked away as Donut looked at him, almost as he felt threatened.

Donut felt bad for him, honestly. He didnt even want to know what it would be like to be him in this situation. He turned away, disturbed with it.

He was being used as a tool to kill the others. A weapon. Not even at his own consent, he didn't have a say in any of it.

"Wanna stay at my place tonight?" Gelatin smirked at Donut suddenly, breaking his train of thought. He perked up "Huh?" He looked over

"I said, wanna stay at my place? We can chill for a little if you want," he gave him a finger gun with his hand, smirking smugly.

Donut rubbed his eyes, groaning and leaning on the table "Fine.. whatever.." he murmured. Though he would rather have comfort, so he was grateful

Gelatin smirked "I knew you'd say yeah " he leaned back. "You always agree to hang out with me. That desperate?"

Donut growled "I don't have anything else to do.. if you can't tell already," he spat, making Barfbag nervous

"N-Now now.. lets just finish lunch. We only have like, 10 minutes left until we gotta get back to doing our jobs anyways,"

"Well, I just kinda sit around." Gelatin smirked, Donut squinting at him "Oh really? As if you haven't told us the other few hundred times.."

Gelatin smugly smirked "Just wanna make sure you remember~" he teased.

Donut kept glaring at him, clearly rather annoyed with the way he was acting. Barfbag was awkwardly smiling, biting her lip "Come on you guys, lets just stop .."

She didn't really appreciate what Gelatin was doing.. just showing off the fact he didn't really have to do much. She knew that would annoy the pastry more than enough, since his job seemed..

Well.. she didn't even know how to describe it. She didn't know how he was still sane.

But he was strong. Stronger than she thought.

"I'm gonna head back early. Two doesn't like me being late.." Donut murmured, standing and adjusting his bowtie.

"Already-?" Barfbag spoke "But theres still like, a little bit of time le-"

"Its fine," he growled, looking away "I'll see you later Gelatin.." he went to walk out to the exit of the cafeteria, leaving the other two.

Barfbag looked at Gelatin "Look what you did! Why do you always have to act the way you do?"

Gelatin shrugged "It's not my fault he's super moody!" He huffed.

He didn't like seeing Donut get worse and worse each day. Honestly it killed him inside. He wished he could do something but of course he couldn't.

He wasn't useful, with anything really.


The 3 in the cells usually talked amongst eachother whenever they were alone. Well that was basically all the time, they didn't have much else to do.

They were starved and hurt there. They were too weak to do anything else, ontop of the fact they were cuffed or restraint some other way. It was tiring.

Eraser was leaning against the bars, his arm outstretched out as he was trying to undo the lock with his hand somehow, growling to himself.

Clock could hear him playing with it, rolling his eyes as he leaned against the cold stone wall of his own cell. Eraser had been at it for ages.. just fiddling with the padlock.

"Are you ever going to stop that?" He spoke, closing his eyes a little "Its annoying.."

Eraser frowned, gazing over at his cell "I'm the only person with my hands free. You two can't do this.. so its worth a try," he murmured, going back to trying to figure out how to get it unlocked.

Pin sighed softly to herself, a little cold as she had her gaze averted away. She had been thinking a lot.. mostly about the forest. If only she had stayed with Firey and Cake.. if only they could know what happened..

She knew they'd be absolutely overwhelmed with the fact this was what the others had turned into..especially Coiny. Maybe even Loser.. even though she hadn't seen much of it. It was just..

Loser wasn't .. he didn't act normal. There was no way to describe it, but he just didn't. She hadn't talked to directly him at all..but.. she didn't feel like it. He creeped her out.

She had no idea how the other two would feel about him. It made her sickly.

Needle.. even she was partaking in this. It wasn't fair.. Needle was like, basically one of her best friends..

And Leafy.. why were all these people that had been so close to her suddenly not caring? She didn't know.. it made her genuinely upset when she thought about it.

Eraser suddenly snatched his hand back as he heard commotion from the stairs. It sounded like talking.. people were coming..

Clock looked over "Great.." he murmured, gazing to the side. He didn't know who it was or what they wanted. Nor did he want to find out.

Down came 3 members from the front row.. that usually was a bad sign..that usually meant they were getting hurt..

One of them were Loser, carrying an electric baton in his hand, a set of keys in the other. He headed over to Erasers cell, whacking the bars with it, hitting it across and "Stand up." He spat,walking watching him with disgust.

Eraser flinched as the bars were whacked, wearily standing. He wasn't sure what they were there for...but frankly didnt want to know. He was filled with a feeling of sickness

Loser opened the cage door with the key, walking in and going to lean down, unlocking the ball and chain from his leg as well so he would be able to walk. Eraser was relieved to have that weight off, but not making it obvious.

Fries came down as well, smirking with his shovel hoisted over his shoulder, walking to Pin. Loser tossed the keys over to him, and he began to unlock her cell with them, smirking a bit.

Clock stared with a little bit of fear and confusion, not really knowing what the hell was happening. He backed away a bit as he saw Balloony heading to his cell, staring at him, intimidated.

"What are you guys doing.." Pin mumbled, stumbling as Fries dragged her out by her cuffs. Loser grinned, gripping Erasers wrist as he walked to the stairs

"You'll see. We're heading to the medical room. No funny business, or else," he spoke, squinting before dragging Eraser upstairs with him.

Clock whined as he was picked up by the cuffs holding his ankles together, falling back against the floor and hitting the ground with his plastic body. He was dragged by Balloony out, looking at Pin awkwardly as his plastic was forced along the concrete floor.

Fries smiled at Pin, tilting his head a little "Lets just say maybe you're finally some use to us.." he growled, yanking her and following after Balloony.

I mean, how else were they supposed to help Nickel.

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