91: Black and red.

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CW: Themes of suicide and gore, read at caution. Please avoid the second part of the chapter if you feel you want to avoid this.

Nothing else eventful happened over the course of the evening. The snow had actually stopped overnight, and the weather seemed to be clearing up. That was a good sign.. but it didn't necessarily mean good times were ahead. Over the night, Basketball had done nothing but work hard to force herself to build the bot after Tennisball had given her the blueprints of design that had been approved by Two. She didn't want to stay around the result too long... in fact she wanted nothing to do with it. She just wanted it to be over as soon as possible so tried her hardest to make sure she completed it and it would finally be done.

At first it was difficult to get used to seeing her friends dismantled parts but.. she forced herself to suck it up. The night was tiring and she didn't rest once - Tennisball had went to go see her in the early hours of the morning to see if she was awake and she was; she was working in the hospital room and looked awful. He went to help her finish it and they managed to complete it together by noon. Two was obviously over the moon to see it. Though they still had to create the bands... Tennisball had obviously given Two the band blueprint which was also approved.

Once Two left, the pair was left in the room with.. a monstrosity. It towered over the both of them in silence.. except for the fan above them that was supposed to be air conditioning. Tennisball already felt intimidated. This thing was an amalgamation of Rf and Tv and it was terrifying. He glanced over to Basketball nervously, noticing how exhausted she looked.. mentally and physically.

She.. had finally done it. It hurt so much, having to do that to her friend, knowing full well she hadn't had much else of a choice. Tennisball looked around, before moving over to a chair to grab the satchel that was hung on it and lift it over himself to carry.. it had a bunch of tools in. "L-Look.. Basketball, you need some rest... I-I'll make a start on the bands for you.." he informed, turning over to her worriedly.

She seemed lost in thought as she stared at it. She was clearly disgusted.. but on the verge of tears at the same time. To make it less painful for Robot Flower, she had reset her memory so she wouldn't have to remember anything, and then took out her AI. It would be nothing like Robot Flower, she technically wouldn't even be Robot Flower anymore. Tv had no memory either but his AI was still there.. hopefully that would be enough to program the robot into being what Two had envisioned.

Two wanted Basketball to keep Robot Flowers AI because it would balance out Tvs - but Basketball wouldn't be able to live with herself if she knew a part of Robot Flower was still present in that.. THING. She would just have to excuse it.. and its not like Two would be able to replicate it.. it just wouldn't be the same. She just had to keep telling herself that THIS was way better than, well, Two dealing with Rf themself and doing something potentially worse.

"Basketball?" Tennisball repeated, anxiously trying to get her attention. She shook her head, groggily turning to Tennisball. "S-Sorry, TB.."

"It's..its okay." He avoided looking at it, walking over to her and nuzzling her in a hug motion. She leaned into him to replicate it, sleepy. "Come on. Let's go back to your room.. I-I'll let you rest while I make the bands.." he spoke again.

"What?" She perked up as he said this, worried but drowsy. "Nmn...no, Tennisball. It's fine. I don't want you to have to-" she was cut off. "Please?" He pleaded her, but softly to show that he was serious. She weakly looked away and didnt reply, him forcing a smile. "You've..had a long day. Come on.. the quicker we do this the quicker we can get out of here.." he tried to persuade.

Basketball yesterday informed Tennisball about her plans to get out of the building as soon as they had completed all the tasks that Two had given them. Of course he agreed to the plan.. he was just very nervous to see Golfball because he wasn't sure what she thought of him. He needed constant reassurance from his friends that they were still okay with him but.. he hadn't seen her for over a month. Blocky, either.

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