135: In the shadows.

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Two still hadn't told anyone else about the note as the day came to a close, which kind of unnerved Liy. She knew as soon as the news got out to someone other than Coiny, Barfbag would immediately be on her back and this time Liy wouldn't be so lucky. She was worried about Coiny too, though, as Barfbag was aware of how close they had become. She was concerned that they would do something to Coiny instead of herself, to make her more afraid of them.

She would protect Coiny all she could..she promised Gelatin. She had spent a considerable amount of time with Coiny throughout the remainder of the day - when she had returned from the forest she had been with him continuously, cautious of Barfbag. She didn't want anything to happen to him, and it felt weird because she had never cared about someone like this before... not after the war, anyways.

Well.. sometime around then. She couldn't recall the exact time.

Liy had been in Coinys room boredly, sort of walking around and observing his belongings, as well as how trashed it was from his previous breakdowns. He was sat on the floor, his knees to his body as he held his sword next to him, watching Liy as she seemed incredibly invested in exploring every inch of his room. This had been going on for about 30 minutes, so he decided to finally speak up while she was searching through his things, the only sound the rustling of objects as she moved them around.

"What are you even doing.. Liy?" He muttered miserably, his mouth against his legs as he watched her fumbling in one of the draws that he had. She perked up at her name, turning to him while her hand was still poking around at his belongings. "Just looking. I'm bored." She bluntly admitted, snatching her hand up and closing up the draw with a slam, walking up to him.

"Soooo.. how are you feeling?" She wondered, slowing down once she approached him. She stood over him, her hand behind her back while her eyes examined his posture. His eyes looked up at her, he seemed tired.. or unimpressed. "Bored, too." He grumbled.

She bit the inside of her mouth in thought, before plotting herself next to him, slumping against the wall and sliding down to him, crossing her legs. "Two not got anything for you to do?" She pondered, laying her hand atop of her crossed legs. Coiny peaked over to her, observing her injuries from up close.

"..No..not really. They have been gone most of the day, I'm not sure where. " he admitted, before his gaze fell back to his knees. She frowned, looking off as well as Coiny seemed distant.

Everything was so.. messy. She could tell things were closer to ending than she thought, so cherished these moments she had. She was not a sentimental person though, so wasn't going to sit around and sob about it all. She decided to switch the topic to something that had been on her mind.

"Hmm.. now I think about it, what do you think is in that room in the basement?? I know the prisoners were in the cells but.. have you ever seen behind that creepy door? Maybe someone else is in there?" She suggested, wanting something to do. Coiny looked up with interest, but seemed nervous as well.

"People always say its X. I.. wouldn't know. I've never been in there."

She blinked.. really? She was curious ..and this curiosity only grew the more she thought about it. Imagine if X actually WAS in there.. he would have to be trapped damn well if he had been there all this time.. it must've been super difficult to get out. "..For real??"

Coiny managed a nod, her going off into thought again. She got an idea, grinning slowly at the thoughts that invaded her head. She unexpectedly stood up swiftly, Coiny confused as he watched her brush herself off and step away from the wall. "What are you doing Liy?" He watched her every move carefully.

She put her hand on her waist. "Well, if X is actually in there, uhh, shouldn't we let them free? Two would be mega pissed, buuuut maybe this will get us some more help! X can recover, right???" She encouraged, putting her hand behind her back while she rocked back and forwards on her heels.

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