120: Calm before the storm.

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2 days

The next day arrived.. surviving the night through the storm was difficult, but everyone made it just fine and ready for the next day. Turns out Pen and the gang had actually been super close to the other group..because.. they managed to meet up with them an hour or so into the next morning. The smaller group had been walking, before colliding into the other group who were located at the cave. It wasn't snowing at the moment but it was very frosty over night... it was a miracle the cave hadn't been blocked off by the snow fall in the present morning.

"G-Guys!" Pen suddenly rejoiced, jogging over to the cave immediately while almost tumbling through the snow, waving his arms frantically to get their attention. The rest of his group were confused, Lightning looking up as soon as he heard Pen yelling about something. A smile invaded his face as soon as he saw the others as well, zooming over and surpassing Pen in a flash. "You're all here!!!" Lightning exclaimed excitedly and put his hands over his mouth, filled with joy as he hovered by the entrance of the cave.

They were all currently in the cave, so all had the honour of being there to witness this. Lollipop stood from utter disbelief from where she sat, her mouth slowly opening as she brought her hand to it.. Pen and Lightning..they were both.. alive. "P-Pen! Light.." she trailed off as she spotted a familar object treading through the heaps of snow..

"..Gaty...-" She felt herself say reflexively, the word practically spilling out her mouth. She went to run over to catch up with her, kicking all the snow out the way as she rushed to her friend. Gaty looked up to see the tall figure rushing her way, before being swooped up and hugged unexpectedly. Gaty took a few moments to realise what was happening, before laughing and burying into her. "I-I thought you died!" Gaty shrieked with joy, too happy to care for how tight Lollipop was grasping onto her.

"I-I ..I did too. I-I really did.." Lollipop stuttered breathlessly, before laughing it off and hugging her tightly, refusing to let go. Pen was proud.. this was the happiest he had seen either of them. He yelled as he was suddenly pushed in the snow backwards, which caused his cap to fall loose as he slammed softly into it, looking up and seeing Blocky and Eraser towering over him.

"Pen! You're okay! Everyone was so worried about you!" Blocky swiped him off the ground and hugged him just as Lollipop had done to Gaty, Eraser joining in rapidly. "Dude, you worried the hell out of everyone!" Eraser burst eagerly, gripping his friends tightly together.

Pen winced as he was squeezed, his arms kept tight to his sides due to the others. He was relieved though, embracing the hug and enjoying the moment as he chuckled. "I-I missed you both so much.." he exhaled with relief, finally relaxed now that they were all together. He closed his eyes, feeling so much weight off his shoulders now the stress was finally..gone.

Snowball made his way out the cave as well, watching as Blocky put Pen down and laughed with him and Eraser. He felt strangely anxious, treading over slowly as he held one of his arms. Pen noticed him once he was close enough, stopping his conversation with Blocky. "Pen-" Snowball began, looking up at him wearily.

Pen suddenly crashed into him, taking the other object by awe. Snowball hugged him back firmly, gripping him close to his body. "Fuck.. I..I was so ..worried I lost you." Snowball admitted slowly, with struggle and pained tone. Pen glanced over to his face.. he was looking over at Lightning.. he must've felt bad about Fanny. Pen decided to move so he was in direct vision of him instead of Lightning, locking eyes with him.

"I..I missed you." Pen embarrassedly stammered, a little nervous to get his attention like that. Snowball stared.. then grinned, taking Pens hand in his.

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