66: Weary friends.

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Snowball had been transported successfully by Basketball and Tennisball into Basketballs room, and she had set up a fan so that he would be able to keep cool just in case the temperatures rose too much to handle indoors for him. Snowball was so glad to be out the box, it was hard to breathe and extremely cramped. He had began to think he was going to melt inside there instead, but was filled with relief when she opened it.

He was.. very surprised it had worked. Actually.. shocked, because it seemed like a tacky plan. He was left to wait anxiously for the future possibilities of someone finding him.. or someone having seen them earlier and going to tell Two their suspicions.

Basketball had instructed Tennisball to search for and gather a few items, such as bedding and food. To make sure he didn't seem out of place, she told him to take his time while doing it. On their way to the room she tried to avoid all the halls that had security cameras, and try and transport Snowball through blind spots.

The heat level was rising quickly, and everyone was noticing the difference each hour. It was now one of the warmest days that they had experienced for a long while, so Two decided to use air conditioning to make sure the place stayed cool. Some objects were feeling the heat more than others, so some were already sick of it.

The weather change was nice.. as it had been miserable for the last few days in terms of the rain and the snow, so the sun being out was relaxing. However everyone was beginning to catch on that it wasn't as good as it seemed.. as Two was probably behind it. And if so.. that meant more was to come.

Snowball frowned as he looked outside the window of Basketballs room, leaning on the window ledge and gazing out the glass curiously, just admiring the trees in the distance. It felt weird to see the whole forest like this.. to think that that was where he had been staying for the last weeks.. and the fact he was now out of there..

He thought about Pen.. and how he was still in there. He wondered how he was holding up in the heat... he himself was getting a little stuffy and uncomfortable, but the air conditioning helped a lot. Pen didn't..have that though, he wouldn't even know about the fire that Two had planned. It made him feel sick with worry and he didn't feel that often.

He.. didn't want to think about it. The fact he has just managed to get in contact with one of his old friends, and only then were they potentially going to die really didn't..feel great. It felt like he couldn't ever let himself get happy because he would soon after be met with disappointment.

In a way.. it was good he didn't go with Pen. He wouldn't have made it back to the lab alive, in fact he would've probably already died before the fire came. He just hoped Pen would know what to do..and how to survive in the grueling weather.

Another thing on his mind was Eraser. To think that Eraser was in this very building being kept captive.. it made him uncomfortable. He tried to ignore it but honestly.. who would be able to do that? He was merely in reach and Snowball couldn't do anything..

He was still upset with Basketball, and was thinking of bringing it up. He flinched at the sound of her door being opened, turning around in mild fear of it being someone that wasn't her or Tb.

"Snowball! You're okay.. that's good. Is the air conditioning working well? I'm glad Two agreed to turn it on.." Basketball sighed positively, looking behind herself wearily and checking the corridors before turning back and shutting the door with her foot. She leaned forward, a bag of food sliding off her head onto the ground. "I got you this! I thought you'd be hungry..ha.." she smiled awkwardly.

Snowball slowly pulled away from the window and trailed toward it, sitting down on the wooden planking with a thump, frowning "Thanks.." was all he could mutter. He was grateful, obviously, but he was just in a bad mood. He didn't feel up to it currently.. honestly he felt weirdly upset. Not really that weird given the circumstances but still.

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