153: Time's up.

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6 days later..

After the group had returned back to the base, they had a lot to reflect on.. and explain. Tensions were very high and so were questions and confusion. All they wanted were answers.. but they weren't going to be nice ones.

Snowball had been informed about Pen after he had recovered to a somewhat stable state, and Basketball had never seen him so upset. He clearly had tried to hide it when he first found out but he soon became extremely emotional, mostly in the form of anger but once that faded out it was just him and his tears. He was genuinely heartbroken, Basketball felt so guilty because in a way she blamed herself.. maybe if Snowball hadn't been controlled he could've done something. But Snowball refused to hear her say that, and with her now as his closest friend he felt more attached to her than ever.

It took him a while to get used to the fact Pen wasn't here anymore.

Golfball didn't only give them time to recover, but time to adjust to the new changes. She didn't want to tell them the full story until Needle was doing better, since she needed to be in a stable mindset to actually understand the situation. Luckily, with assistance of rust remover that Lightning helped find in the lab, Needle was cleared up. Though, that didn't change her memory. She was still very confused.

Match had done her best to restore or jog her memory in many different ways, and actually she remembered quite a few things.. all she needed was time. Her memory was foggy but.. she wasn't extremely confused anymore. She actually regained her main memories a lot sooner than Coiny had, debatably doing even better than him now. This kind of made him jealous that she could remember more in a smaller timeframe but, this was insignificant against his happiness.. she was in awe to hear about his amniesa, but it made so much more sense now that she looked back.

He reluctantly told her about Pin. Match was upset about Pin, too, because she was close to her, closer than half of them realised, but.. Match had mostly gotten over that a little while ago, so.. the news wasn't as hard hitting as it could've been. Regardless Match was still bummed out, she saw it coming but.. that didn't change a thing. Needle took it pretty hard too, not expecting her to have died. She.. wished had known sooner, or tried harder to help her.

They were informed about everything else..Donuts death, Fours betrayal, Coinys amniesa, Liys redemption, everything. Of course it was a lot to hear, but they all needed to hear it.. this only fuelled their hatred towards Two, and of course they wanted to help them get rid of the numeral once and for all.. this was it. This was what they had been waiting for.. here came the final push.

Unfortunately a lot of their weapons had been destroyed in the warehouse fire so.. when they fought Two a lot of them would be empty handed. That didn't discourage them though, as they still had Gelatin, Blackhole and Fireys abilities.

The mood was low for a few days ..and.. that was okay. It was understandable.. they had just lost Pen, Winner too even though they hardly knew them. Everyone commemorated Pen with words, which helped Blocky feel a little more relieved of stress, however now he was as protective as ever of Eraser. Guilt had been heavy on him, and he could tell it was the same with Eraser, but it got easier to handle over the days they were given to rest. Blocky just.. wished he had been there, and that was his biggest regret.

The days they had to rest allowed them to refresh their relationships. Match, Snowball and Lightning all had a small reunion, well.. mostly Lightning and Match. Though, he was still happy to see her and the feeling was mutual. She explained how Tape and Shampoo apparently brought her back to life by the cliff, which was almost unbelievable.

Liy had struggled to really greet any of the newcomers.. Tape wasn't really interested in talking with her, and Naily was scared of her; she could tell Naily purposely avoided her. Plus she could tell Needle and Match still had a grudge against her.. which she understood. She had made her efforts to talk to them over the days but they weren't as keen as she was, making it pretty awkward. Needle was surprised over how close Coiny was to her though, which made her rethink her opinions on Liy.

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