96: Out with a bang.

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Gore warning

After that night, Two had woken up to possibly some of the worst news they had ever received.. that Tennisball and Basketball had managed to escape. Two should have KNOWN they would have found a way to free themselves.. they pushed Basketball too far so it was obvious she was going to try and leave that place at some point. They were obviously angry over this information but.. it could be worse and they expected it. At least she decided to fulfill her tasks before she left..

How exactly did she manage to escape though? Sure it was obvious her and TB had left out the window but.. how exactly did they disarm their bands without Two? Maybe they programmed their own bands differently to everyone elses..

Where were the pair even going to go, though? It would be stupid for them to go to the lab if Front Row would be heading there soon.. hm. Maybe to warn them. They wouldn't get there in time, surely? Two had gathered and told everyone the news of Basketball and Tennisballs departure, which had some mixed reactions.

Tree felt worse that this had happened.. he felt like it was his fault even more than he did bwfore. Robot Flower must have been the final push that made Basketball want to leave. He had retreated to his room as soon as he heard this, not wanting to talk to anyone .. or have to face anyone. He wish he didn't even have to face himself.. he felt like just sleeping.

"Who is going to be the medic now?" Loser asked Two firmly, sounding serious and concerned. He had a right to be concerned.. if both of the main objects that used to help fix up other objects had left.. who was going to do it now? Nobody in that base really knew how to do that sort of thing.. so what were they going to do if someone got hurt?

"Er..." Two looked around the cafeteria as everyone was waiting for an answer.. they were all thinking the same thing with the same worries. ".. I'll ..work that one out, just for now.. uh, don't get hurt, kay?" They smiled, but it looked unsure, as that seemed to be the only thing they could think of saying.

Two obviously had no idea what to do about that.. did that mean that injuries could be fatal now? Liy luckily was well enough that she could heal without Basketballs support but..what would they do if something like this happened in the future? Barfbag rolled her eyes.. Basketball was bound to leave. She obviously didn't want to be here.. neither did Tennisball.. it was no shock they had finally had enough of this dump.

Knowing that they would have to be more careful really made some objects think about the future.. this could cause a bunch of problems... ones that were originally avoided. Though.. everyone was also curious as to how they escaped with those bands on. Did they do something that could disarm their own bands specifically? Or.. was it more simple than that. Maybe there was an extra disarm device.. but where was it? Two hadn't yet come to that conclusion, but it would only be a matter of time.

Away from this, was still raining outside, but it had calmed down and the droplets were much smaller than the night before before. It was currently the morning, and the sun had only just risen and greeted the forests. The morning air was cold, and Fries was one of the first to experience it. The last few days he had slept outside and he hadn't done that in a while.. especially in these conditions, so he was just getting used to having to find somewhere new and safe to sleep each night. He had been trying to find some form of shelter but he was struggling to.. this part of the forest was weird, there was hardly anything that he remembered.

He didn't recognize much around himself, most of the trees had been untouched by the previous forest fire.. which was much different to what he saw when he was with Pen. It was like he was in a completely different area.. was the forest really that big? Surely not.. he had been searching for the lab for days but he was struggling a lot. Not only that but.. he was struggling to find that river.. what was happening? He couldn't find any caves and had to just sleep under really big trees.

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