94: Snare Drum

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A day passed. In that time, Basketball and Tennisball were able to complete the task of creating the bands, through lots of hard work and not sleeping. They knew the sooner they completed them the quicker they would be able to leave.. and, they had finally been completed and they were so close to leaving. They had told Two the news in the early afternoon, alerting them of the news. They were thrilled and called for everyone to attend a group meeting. They also had requested for Basketball and Tennisball to have created spares previously just in case, in which they did. 5 spares..

Two had forced everyone into the cafeteria, in which then they were lined up and then given the bands. EVERYONE was given a band, apparently for safety. But.. mostly because they were beginning to not trust anyone. Of course Two knew there were some objects that were reliable but.. safety first. They were lined up and one by one the bands were clipped on to everyone's wrists, ankles, and were chipped if necessarily due to having no limbs.

To see it actually happening was surprising because Donut didn't..expect there to be any more security measures.. Two must've really took things up a notch after the whole incident. The security bot had also been up and around unfortunately, and Donut was genuinely terrified of it. It was the new door guard.. he did NOT like the new door guard. Even Yellowface was mildly freaked out by it but.. supposed that it would be fine. At least now nobody had to stand there for hours.

Tree was one of the last objects that got the bracelet, rubbing his arm where it had been clipped on by Two. They were completely black, with a little green light in the shape of a full circle presented in the open, on top of his forearm. Apparently it would go red if it was set off. He felt around where it had clipped together.. it was really tight, was it through a magnet? He wasn't smart enough to know how to deal with that. Maybe it was an electromagnet and could be controlled.. but he wasn't sure how to disarm it himself.

Two obviously explained the rules: that an object or group would have to go to Two and ask for the bands to be disarmed while they go outside, and when they return they will be reactivated. This was to make sure no objects could leave without Twos permission. Honestly this just made Tree feel even more hopeless.. now what was he supposed to do? He wouldn't have a chance escaping.. and he didn't have anyone to help him disarm the band.

He was under a lot of stress, feeling the bracelet with his hand as the last few objects were having their bands enforced. He winced as he was nudged from behind, stumbling and moving his arms to protect himself if he fell. He didn't, turning over and glaring at who shoved him. "What the hell is YOUR problem-"

He trailed off as he was met with Loser, the smaller object had a smug smile plastered on his face. Tree was already bored, but was anxious because he didn't want to talk to him or listen to what he was going to say. Loser noticed his immediate attitude change.. Tree was SCARED of him? How amusing..

He could tell Tree was stressed out right now with everything happening.. he was still digesting everything so this was most likely driving him crazy. Loser enjoyed his stress though, he wanted him to suffer. "Something on your mind?" Loser brought up, putting his hands behind his back. "I'm sure you're quite fond of this new idea.. hm?"

Loser had to admit, he didn't expect these bands to be created since there was no warning but.. wasn't exactly complaining. It's not like they caused any problems for him or the group personally.. plus Loser left all the time so, Two would allow them to be disarmed no doubt.

"Leave me alone." Tree spat harshly, but his tone of voice was unstable. Loser smirked as he noticed Tree trying to walk away after that comment, grabbing Trees wrist and roughly yanking him back to where he was.

"I will never let you leave." Loser lowly growled up against his face, forcing Tree close to him. He then proceeded to push Tree away and cause him to stumble. Tree was distraught, looking away to hide his face from Loser while he rushed off, his words playing over and over in his head as he tried to get out of that room. He wanted to leave this nightmare.. this was horrible. He hated Loser. He hated Two..

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