35: It only gets worse.

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A little later in the morning, everyone in the building had awoken for another day of suffering. Forced to obey Twos orders.. living in fear, or.. enjoying the lifestyle. Either way, Basketball dread each day as it came.. she couldn't stop thinking about everything. It was making her super stressed.

She couldn't look Donut in the eye anymore. She just quickly passed him in the corridors. She didn't know if she should say something to him.. that she knew he had Fours powers. She didn't want to mess up whatever his plans were. Or.. get him killed. Even get herself killed. And if she died, Snowball probably would too.. as he was not only vulnerable due to his injuries, but he'd probably starve, if he even made it that far.

Snowball was all she had at the moment, so if she saw him it would be a huge stress relief. She decided that was what she needed for now.

She had left the building first thing, looking down at the ground as she trotted into the large forest. She had left to the forest so many times now.. she hoped Two wasn't suspicious.

She told him it helped her relax before the surgeries she had to preform - clear her mind. He agreed, of course, since she was the only object who knew how to do things like that. Apart from Golfball and Tennisball, but she was more skilled than him and Gb wasn't an option.

"Goodness.." she muttered to herself quietly, exhaling. She had a lot on her mind.. seeing Snowball would make her feel a lot better.. if she had thought about him being her only friend a few months ago? She would've thought herself crazy.

"..Snowball? Are you here?" She called gently, looking around... normally he stayed quite close to the enterance of the forest.

She kept looking around, rubbing her eyes tiredly as she walked along, almost tripping over a stick "A-Ah-" she stumbled, looking behind herself.

"J-Jeez.. be careful, please?" She told herself.  Last thing she wanted was to injure herself, even though that excused her from performing surgery on Tennisball.

He wouldnt be able to stay in that coma for long. He was going to die.

"Basketball-" Snowball spoke, pushing himself through some bushes "Hey.. uhh, heard your voice.." he gave her a weak smile, before glancing off.

She smiled lightly at this, turning to him and feeling instant relief. He looked better.. physically and mentally "Hey, you don't have your crutch anymore!"

He nodded "Y-Yeah.." he awkwardly shuffled "Thanks to you its er.. getting better." He muttered and pushed his glasses up his face.

She chuckled gently to herself. She knew this was a "thank you" but in different words. She walked up to him, "I was looking forward to seeing you today."

He raised an eyebrow. It felt strange to be wanted or liked by someone "Hm? Uh.. why???" He asked, crossing his arms and leaning against a tree. "Must be having a really bad day to want to see someone like me ."

She frowned at him at his joke "Ha ha." She sarcastically spoke "I just..  stuff I have to do. You know I'm the medic back there..right?"

He shrugged "Figured.." he flicked some bark off the tree "..Whats that got to do with anything?"

She groaned "..It means I'm expected to preform these.. crazy surgeries.." she didn't like telling Snowball about her problems because she felt like his were worse, but she couldn't help it "..Using.. parts from objects to fix up others.. I-I don't want them hurt .. the fact I have to patch people up with the parts of others?" She slumped back against the same tree, sitting down and leaning against it.

Snowball glanced down at her, giving her a sympathetic look. He didn't know what to say.. he had never been good with advice or comfort "You have to preform.. that soon?"

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