55: Nobody is perfect.

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"Can you believe the weather got this bad just overnight?" Stapy remarked bitterly, yawning as he was tiredly trying to warm himself up by rubbing his hands together by the fire that Firey had lit, blowing into them and holding them up to the flames.

Since the weather had been so bad over the course of the night, it had been hard to get sleep, and the couple had been woken up numerous times by the biting cold. By the morning the whole surrounding area was coated with a thick layer of snow, the tree and the base effected by this too. Firey had to make a fire first thing in the morning, and also had to eat another yoyle berry. He knew if he had been in his normal object form he would have died for sure over night. He didn't expect it to become so.. thorough.

Firey grumbled, bothered by it. "Yeah, its a real pain." He muttered unhappily, scoffing "You think I wanna waste more material to burn?? No! Not only that, but I know the plants that everyone uses to get food will die to this weather.. isn't that just so annoying?" He ranted, attempting to warm his only hand.

"What will everyone eat?" Stapy wondered, as if Firey would know the answer, observing him from the opposite side of the fire.

Firey shrugged, not having a clue. "I don't knowww.. whatever. It's just what Two fucking wants." He raged, clearly frustrated by the topic "That's our life! Just more and more and more problems eeevery day." He grit his teeth, looking across to the side. He aggressively grabbed some wood and threw it in, tired of this cycle.

Hadn't Two done enough damage? He had taken everything away from them.. and left them with nothing. Nothing but suffering.. and it just kept getting worse.

Firey hoped Fries would be able to help him out... he was beginning to depend on Fries... he hoped he was okay - after learning that Fries had done the risky task of freeing Stapy, he had a small worry of him potentially having gotten found out straight after - and was now dead.

Stapy fidgeted, assuming that Firey was upset talking about this. He couldn't blame him.. though he was still curious about the whole Cake and Book thing Leafy had mentioned.

"Stapy..do you know why Fries let you go?" Firey commented suddenly, breaking the set silence. It was a question..but he asked it in a way that suggested Firey himself already knew.

"N..No? Not really. Regardless, I don't care, I don't like the guy, anyways." He spat viciously, breaking off a small twig from the branch above him.

Firey listened and threw another stick into the fire, raising an eyebrow as he internally questioned his judgement "Why? Because he was on Free Food?" He suggested.

"We have a history." Stapy snarled straight after, rather fiercely too. Firey was intimidated by his tone, but didn't show it. "Jeez.. okay.."

"You haven't met him. He's a fucking idiot. I don't know why he freed me, maybe as some sort of pathetic apology attempt?" He asked himself with aggressive tone, shrugging.

Firey thought, tracing the wooden surface of the floor to his base with his finger, feeling it "Wellll.. I don't know.." he looked back at him "I think he's..okay." he admitted

"What?? Why?!" Stapy was surprised to hear this, crossing his arms with frustration."I hate him!" He announced.

Firey pondered.. "I guess he just.. " he looked off to the side again "It's..a long story. I-I don't know if I should talk about it.." he suddenly regret bringing it up, but knew Stapy wouldn't let it slide.

"What?? Tell me. I want to know why."

"It's..hard to explain..-"

"Just explain. We don't have much else to talk about." Stapy demanded, ticked off from the conversation topic..why would Firey ever like someone like Fries?

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