67: The hottest day ever.

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Golfballs group, due to the warm weather, had decided to take a little walk around outside and take advantage of it. Not really a walk as they were all kind of just hanging around outside the lab, but it was nice to spend time together doing something more positive. The sight of the sun and the cleared snow was enjoyable, so they decided to make the most out of it.

Lolly lay on the grass with her hands behind her head, leaning against a tree as she wanted some sort of shade.. well protection. She liked the warmth, but it became intense fast due to her low melting point, and especially intense in this weather. She didn't mind though, grinning and watching Blocky as he was running around and chasing some of the others playfully in a game of tag.

8-ball claimed he didn't like the sun so stayed inside with Liy while the others spent time outside. Golfball too has been reluctant but grudgingly agreed, so now she was stuck outside. She winced as Blocky ran past her and made her stumble backwards, yelping. "BLOCKY!! Would you mind where you are going?! I am not invisible, you know!"

"You might as well be. Come on Gb, cheer up! It's nice to have some time in the sun, right??" Blocky stopped running for a moment to speak to her, putting his hand on his waist with a confident smile. She scoffed and pushed her glasses up her face. "I will not partake in whatever childish activities you are doing." She retorted angrily, moody.

The fact they were all out here having fun was actually nice because it helped them forget about the situation. It cleared their minds of what had been happening, and gave them all a sense of normality. Finally something good was happening.. something that let them have a good taste of the past and what it was like to be carefree.

"I hate the sun!" Fanny yelled grudgingly, her blades propelling and blowing at Lightning upon request since he was "too warm" and wouldn't stop nagging her. Blackhole gazed around, confused at her statement "Why? I think it's uh, yknow, a nice change."

"Uhh, more like a GREAT change???" Jr butt in, slowing down his running since he had been playing tag with Blocky, taking a breather. "Haven't you been here the last few days?? It's been awful with all that stupid fucking snow!"

Blocky suddenly tagged Jr while he was distracted, knocking him over onto the grass face first "Tag!" He snorted, darting off with a stumble. Naily giggled and ran away from Jr too. Jr growled and brushed his face off, standing from the grass frustratingly "That's not fair! Blackhole distracted me!!" He whined, sulking.

"What?? You gonna be a sore loser now?" Naily turned to him and smirked, sticking her tongue out playfully and blowing a raspberry. Jr gritted his teeth and began to chase her - making her run off giggling.

Golfball scoffed at their shenanigans and rolled her eyes in annoyance. Blackhole peered over to her, sympathetic over her bad mood. "What? I think it's quite nice of them to get some fresh air..don't you like, feel refreshed too?"

Blocky laughed as Jr chased them helplessly, going to stand by a tree and lean on it with his hand. Jr panted loudly as he couldnt catch up to Naily, going for Blocky instead, out of breath. He went to tiredly tag him but Blocky put his hand out. "Nuh uh, I'm on base. You can't tag me." He smirked smugly.

"What?! When was that a thing?!" Jr snapped, stamping his foot, "Ughh, qhy are you guys so annoying! Stop cheating or I won't play!"

"Betcha can't catch meee.." Lightning smirked proudly, putting his hands on his waist "I'm a pro at tag.. I never get tagged." 

"That's because nobody can reach you." Jr spat, grumpy as he glared up at him. "What do you expect, you're flying!"

"Hey! Don't tell them my secret method!" Lightning wailed, sulking after.

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