63: Deleted.

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After having that conversation with Fries, Donut went down to have breakfast with him and think about what they talked about. They parted once they got close to the cafeteria so nobody would get suspicious. He felt somewhat bad for him because he knew he would have to be surrounded by the worst group of objects, but.. didn't have a choice. He knew Fries was strong enough to handle their bullshit anyways..

He went to go get some food from the front and walked to go sit down on his usual table where he assumed his friends would be. He gently dropped his plate on the wooden table, raising an eyebrow and looking to his left, then his right.

"Hey.. Barfbag, where's Gelatin?" Donut asked, in slight concern. She shrugged, leaning on her arm as she chewed her food. "Sorry, Donut.. I don't really know.." she nervously laughed "He er.. left pretty soon after he got here. Why?"

Donut groaned quietly in frustration and plopped himself down, huffing "No reason.. it's just odd of him to be distant. Usually he's all up in my face." He pointed out, Barfbag giving a soft expression of concern upon hearing this.. she knew that but.. now that she thought about it, it was rather strange he wasn't here.

"I thought you didn't like that?" She sat up straight. Donut scoffed "Well, yes! But, no.. ugh, you get what I'm saying, Barfy." He mumbled, flicking his pancake with his finger "I'm not really that hungry anymore... I lost my appetite." He pushed his plate away in annoyance, looking to the side. She gave a awkward chuckle "I thought food objects never got hungry?" He glared at her, making her stop.

It wasn't like Gelatin to be avoidant..was something wrong? He wanted to check up on him but he wasn't sure where he was.. and neither did Barfbag, which worried him... a lot.

"I'm sure he's fineee.." she reassured, going to reach out and hold his hand to comfort him "Hey! I-If ... he still hasn't talked to you by later, we can go talk to him, okay? I'm sure he's.. hangin' around somewhere.."

Donut groaned and pulled his hand away, burying his face in his arms. "Fineee.." he muttered, making her smile "Do you know what Two was doing yesterday? They were busy for a little while.." Donut looked up from his arms, waiting for an answer tiredly.

"I'm..eh, I don't know that either, sorry. " she rubbed the back of her head, him frowning. "I didn't ..see much on the cameras? I'm basically the only person working with the cameras now, you see. And.. it's actually okay? Despite me being tired all the time.. I quite like it."

"Oh? Well, I'm happy for you." He congratulated, "Does Tennisball not help?"

"He insisted but, I said it was fine and that I was okay on my own. He needs to have a break anyways...poor guy." She disclosed.


"S-Speaking! Of er.. my job." She looked around to check if anyone was potentially watching them. They weren't. "I.. need to talk to you." She firmly informed. Donut was a little astonished at her sudden serious tone.

"Wh-What?" Donut was a little hesitant..what was this about? He tried to think of what possible things she would want to talk about, a little intimidated by the sudden mood change. He really hoped it was nothing bad.

She leaned in closely, being careful as she held the edge of the table with her hands. She knew they wouldn't be able to be heard very well over the crowd talking.. though "Well, I.." she locked eyes with him, nervous she was actually going to bring this up.

"Because I've had access to all the ..video footage, I..I know."

"You ..know?" He didn't know what that meant.

"I know ..everything. " she softly whispered, hoping not to startle him. "Gelatin- you, the powers.. Fries, the amnesia stuff. It was.. hard to adjust and take in on my own, but.. I've gotten over it by now." She revealed very quietly, Donut staring in awe "I-Its, aha, really obvious on all the cameras, Donut. I watched Fries go into the office and, the cameras pick up audio, and they have cameras outside of the base." Barfbag admitted, twirling her hand as she spoke. "I watched Price Tag and Naily escape and.. a few other things. That's all I really know.." she wasn't aware of Basketball.

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