119: Deja vu.

772 23 262

Gore warning.

By this time, it was really late..around 1am, closing in on 2am. Nobody should have been awake at this time, but of course they were. Tree and his group had found a nice resting place to spend their night, under another tree that provided a good enough shelter to be safe from the snow. It was rather big.. and it looked like someone had already been there due to some left over burned wood. The group wasn't able to set up their own fire however, and were left cold as the snow continued to fall from the night sky.

Lighting and Gaty were fast asleep, Tree was unable to follow suite. He had tried to close his eyes and drift off many times, but his mind wondered elsewhere each attempt. He was stressed about the snow.. and what they were going to do when it got worse. Everything was getting worse and worse.. Lightning couldn't keep going out in it. Days like this he couldn't stand Two.

He was sat against the trunk of the tree, his legs to his body as he stared out at the piling snow. How were they going to do this .. could they do this? He wished he hadn't underestimated how cold it would be.. he hadn't ever really spent time outside like this.. he didn't realise how hard to was to survive. He respected those who managed to do so for this long.

He kept his body tucked together as the bitter wind passed through him, ruffling his leaves and making a gentle sound as they did. He shuffled himself back, trying to keep himself warm..there was no use trying to sleep through this ..he could just watch over the other two. He glanced over to them for a moment, they were huddled up against each other as they snoozed.. they must've done so for warmth. They were both slumped back, Gaty was lightly snoring with her mildly ajar mouth. Tree couldn't help but chuckle at how she looked, looking off to the side again.


He perked up like a deer, his eyes scanning the area as a familar feeling of anxiety grew within him, starting small but getting bigger the more he glanced around and checked out the area repeatedly. What was that? WHO was that? He swallowed, moving his legs downwards away from his body... where was that duffle bag. He looked around for it, spotting it next to Gaty and Lightning as they slept. He then slumped over and lay on the ground, wincing and stretching as he slowly unzipped it, trying to be quiet.


Another sound.. there was definitely someone there. He felt himself begin to panic without wanting to, imagining the worst scenario. What if they had been found by Two? He couldn't go back. He..he WOULDN'T go back. His arm trembled as he swiped up the knife he packed, grasping it by its black handle.

He turned back to the distance.. where could it have came from. He wasn't sure what to do about the other two.. wake them? He stood slowly, his legs weak from the nervousness he was feeling.. he tried to pull himself together, glaring into the distance with forced confidence.

Say nothing.. he moved away from the tree with a heavy feeling of anxiety weighing on his shoulders, kicking his way through the piled snow while the knife pointed outwards in front of him, holding onto it like his life depended on it. The only sound was the snow as he walked through it.. surely someone was here? He turned back to his group wearily, making sure that they weren't being attacked or snuck up on.

They were fine.. in fact, Lightning began to slowly wake up from his slumber, stretching his arms with a low grunt and whimper. He blinked his eyes tiredly, his eyelids uneven as he was still bringing himself to conciousness "Mgh.. Tree..?" He yawned shyly, seeing his silhouette in the distance while he lazily sat up. "Where..are you going?" His voice woke up Gaty, who seemed to shuffle and move before she did.

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