103: All mistakes have consequences.

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The rain stayed fierce as the day drew into the afternoon, but Firey could just eat yoyle berries and he would be okay regardless, hanging at his base with Shampoo. Shampoo offered help to show he could make his base better by using the reefs, but also more stable and protective. Firey appreciated it but also didn't like being outdone.

He was currently sat against a tree, using his knife to wittle away at a stick to make it sharp, humming to himself. Shampoo said he had to go do something and had been gone for a while.. he was currently on his way back but Firey didn't know that, listening to the rain around him and his own tune.

Shampoo had gone off to try and figure out what he was going to say to Firey. He told himself TODAY was the day he was going to admit to Firey what he knew about Stapy. He had been dreading it but he knew the longer he waited the more ..time it would waste. He had just arrived back, Firey noticing him immediately due to his pink colour.

"Hey!!" Firey dropped the knife he was holding and waved, grinning as he pushed himself off the ground and made his way over to Shampoo, jogging. "You were gone for a little while. Watcha doing?" Firey curiously asked, grinning childishly as he waited for him to give him a response, his arm on his waist as he slowed down to the other.

"Uhh.. you know, personal stuff." Shampoo excused, shrugging with one arm. Something was off about him.. Firey could tell immediately that something was up with him, Shampoo was avoiding looking at him. "You good? You look like you've just seen a dead body." He sneered, but stopped laughing when he didn't get a laugh back.

"Come on mann.. why you so down?" Firey huffed.

"Mm." Shampoo scuffed his foot briefly, flicking the rain off his arm. "Do.. you know how it feels when you need to tell someone something but.. you're afraid of what they'll think?"

"Oh yeah, definitely. " he agreed with Shampoo instantly, almost proudly? "Uh? Why? What's that got to do with anything?"

Shampoo seemed hesitant to respond to that, still avoiding eye contact with the other object. Eventually he gave in, swallowing "I- uh.. I gotta tell you something but, I..don't know if you'll react well." He wearily admitted.

Firey suddenly became a little nervous and tense, not too sure what he meant by that vague comment. "Huh? Just ..tell me! Don't keep me waiting." He encouraged, wanting to know what was so important.

"Do..you promise not to freak out?"

"Like, HOW?" Firey squinted. "Cuz I think we have different meanings of freak out." He joked, but Shampoo didn't look too impressed, sighing loudly.

"I-I mean it! I-I trust you. I don't want you to ..leave me behind or anything because of what I'm going to tell you..." he croaked, looking down at the ground with guilt.

Firey watched.. "..I-Is it really that bad?" What could be that bad? What had Shampoo done that was so terrible? "Uh, I guess I promise not to leave you??" He supposed in an unconvincing voice.

"You GUESS?" Shampoo glared up at him. Firey huffed impatiently, irritatted "Okay okay! I won't leave you! Can you just tell me now???" He grumbled, moving his hand from his waist. The sky flashed briefly.

Shampoo wasn't prepared. He didn't know if this was going to jeopardize everything between them; this was the first time he had ever got along with a member of the cast so.. he wasn't sure how to feel right now. He was scared.. but knew he had to do it eventually. The longer he dragged this out the worse it would be for him in the long run.

"I-I.. know what happened to Stapy. He.. got pushed down the cliff by Liy." Shampoo quickly blurted the last part, looking away rapidly to avoid having to see whatever expression Firey had on his face. They were in silence for a moment, Firey didn't seem to say anything in response to what Shampoo had just said to him. This made him more anxious.

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