125: Life passed you by without a chance to say goodbye.

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Gore warning

Gelatin stared down tiredly at the hole he had made, his eyes lidded while his arm ached from the amount of work he had done. Scrap that.. his whole body ached.. eveything hurt. He had never felt so low in his life, he was usually so positive..but.. now he didn't feel anything. He didn't feel the need to make a joke about this. He didn't.. feel like himself. He felt himself hurt everytime he replayed that scene over and over and over in his head.

He would never forget that look on Donuts face.. the look he gave him just before he died. Gelatin had physically watched the life leave his eyes.. he had watched him die. To watch someone die.. it.. he couldn't put it into words. To observe someone in their very last moments..he wondered what Donut had been thinking..what was going through his head the moment he got stabbed and.. when he passed away.

He wondered what it was like.. to know that it was all over. He hadn't prepared himself for this.. he hadn't.. he. ..he hadn't planned out what he would do if Donut died.. because he never thought he would. Gelatin should have .. because now he felt lost.

He roughly rubbed his tears away from his face, because it was so cold he could feel the air against his eye from his crying. He needed to get this over with.. he had teleported himself randomly, he didn't even know where because he didn't recognise anything in his surrondings. None of the forest was burnt and.. everything looked untouched. He must've went far or..somewhere that objects didn't occupy.

Yes.. of course Gelatin had tried to take Donuts powers. He wasn't even sure how it worked.. he hoped because he had some of Twos powers it would give him an advantage. But no, it didn't. He couldn't take them.. he didn't know how to, and didn't know why it didn't work. Maybe it was because he already had powers..so this was disapointing.

He didn't want to get rid of Donuts body, in a way, because he knew that the powers were irreplaceable and mandatory for them to win against Two. It had been the key to success this whole time and here he was.. disposing of it. He couldn't let them get into the wrong hands though, that would be even worse than losing them for eternity.

He knew that someone else COULD the potential to get them if they were powerless, someone else who was alive, someone stable and someone who could use them like Donut did. Blocky ..or Lollipop or something.. except he didn't know where they were and he couldn't teleport forever looking for them. Plus, because Donut was a food object he decomposed faster than basically most objects. Gelatin didn't want to think about that, inhaling.

He leaned across and grabbed Donuts body, respectfully placing him into the hole he had dug with his hands. Gelatin tried not to look at it, but knew this would be the last time he would ever see him.

Why did things have to go this way..

He began to push the dirt into the hole to cover him, leaning on his knees and scraping it into the dip in the ground. It was damp mud due to the rain before, so this made it easier. He felt tired mentally.. how could he let this happen to him. He couldn't believe it.. he felt so alone. Gelatin had nobody.. and Coiny was still at the base.. too.

That was right..Liy had helped him. He still didn't..know why.. he wondered if her situation was similar to Fries, which was ironic...but he wasn't sure why she would.. do that. Why had she changed so suddenly? He had missed something.. but seeing Barfbag get beat till she was limp was amusing. He knew that Liy was going to get in trouble for it..though, through Two or Barfbag herself.

Why would Liy risk her life like that.. he just didn't understand why she was so different, after eveything she had done. Gelatin felt mild anger thinking of Barfbag, pushing the dirt into the hole more aggressively.

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