68: Any last words?

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"Price Tag..?- Wh-Why are you here..? Why aren't you with Naily?"

"Oh we ..um.. got separated..did you escape too? "

"Yeah..um, I did. Is she okay..?"

"She's fine, Scissors! We just had some complications."

"..Oh.. I see.."    "Um..where are you going?"

"Why is it any of  your business?"

"What? What the hell, Taggy? There's no reason to be rude.."

"Uh, yeah there is! You won't leave me alone."

"We are friends! I haven't seen you since, like, I escape! It's just ..good to see you.. I haven't seen anyone for a while.. you can understand that.."

"Friends? Pffft!" They laughed.


"You think I ever liked you? Ugh! You were sooo annoying... Anchor too. Fucking hate that guy. Now move out of my way!"

"P-Price Tag.. WHAT THE HELL!? I thought..I thought we were friends?! What the fuck is wrong with you!? Were you like this the whole time? You fake fuck!!!!"

"Ugh, can you shut up?!"    "..Is that..fire?"

"Fire?"    "Wh.. the weather!- the heat must've, PRICE TAG!- MGFPH-"


"P-PRICE TAG!- HELP! IT HURTS!! IT HURTS SO MUCH-" Scissors screamed in agony.

"Help you? why would I do that?"

"PLEASE! PLEASE!!!..-" Scissors couldn't speak over his screaming, trying to run to put himself out, the rubber part of his body melting as he was on fire, desperate to get it off as he screamed and screamed. Price Tag watched with a smile, apathetic.

"So dramatic..any last words?"  Scissors kept screaming, but eventually it stopped, his body thumping to the ground.

"That's too bad.. eh, not really. Just one less to worry about, I guess. Not like anyone will miss you."

They left to quickly avoid the fire.


"F-Fries! Are you sure this is a short cut?? I-I don't recognize the area!" Pen coughed, trying to cover his mouth with one of his hands as ash blew in his face and smoke clouded his view. Fries coughed afterwards in response, struggling to breathe in the atmosphere "Just trust me!-" he exclaimed, running as well.

They had been on their way to the lab, when the fire got really bad. They realised the forest was on fire a little bit ago so felt the pressure to get back quickly.. however the fire had just been getting worse and worse.

They panted, but the smoke made them want to gag. It was hard to breath in the stuffy atmosphere and they were surrounded by fire in every direction. A flaming branch fell in front of them without warning, causing them to quickly dodge and avoid it, stumbling to the side. Fries stared at it, startled as he quickly yanked Pen around it to try and keep on the same path, Pen yelping.

Pen looked back worriedly, ash floating everywhere from the burning plants. He hoped Snowball had found shelter, because he doubted he would be alive in this.

Fries grabbed his arm tighter and yanked him to run faster "C-Come on! We need to keep going- we don't want to get trapped by the fire-" he spluttered, struggling to talk as he wheezed. Pen nodded with a cough, running with him and trying to be fast.

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