86: The isolated, deprived, and the heartbroken.

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"You don't DESERVE to have me as your friend.." I watch the hope drain from his eyes "Being with someone like me just makes you feel better about your own worthless, pathetic, self-pitiful life.."

After venturing far enough into the forest, Golfball and her group had thankfully come across the cave that her and the rest of the group originally stayed in when there was no other form of shelter. It was so weird seeing it again, Lollipop had noticed that there were still burned remains of when the group had made a fire from when they had last been staying there, but it also looked like someone had been there before them, perhaps for shelter too. Didn't matter regardless because they were gone now. As soon as the group arrived in the cave, they set up a fire with the help of Jrs blaster so that they could begin to get warm. Jr was struggling in the cold so was relieved to finally be around some warmth. There was still.. tension within the group but, they knew they still had to work together despite the ongoing drama.

The cave was cold, and kind of smaller than they remembered. It did offer shelter though, and that's all they really needed right now. Blocky had been trying to steer everyone's negative opinions away from himself by being as useful as he could, a little awkward even so. He walked up to where the fire had been set and exhaled, dropping off a pile of logs messily just next to it, brushing off his hands with a confident smile. Lollipop and Jr were by the fire, making it more stable by building over it with some logs, as well as placing rocks around it to prevent it from spreading.

"Phew, that was heavy, huh?" He expressed to the other two who were sitting down on the stone floor, putting a hand on his waist cheerfully. Jr didn't even look up at him and continued to level out the rocks in a circle around the fire, while Lollipop offered him nothing more than a meaningless look, raising her brow at him before focusing back on the fire instead, rubbing her hands together near it. Blocky frowned and glanced off, trying to find something else to do considering neither of them felt like talking to him. Jeez, his guilt was creeping up on him the more he paid the price for leaving Pin behind. He tried to shake off his feelings, looking around curiously for anyone else.. maybe someone who wouldn't be so judgemental right now.

It was cold in the cave, especially with the impending snow making its way inside via the wind. They were as far from the entrance as they could be, but gusts of icy air still made its way inside. It was disappointing the weather was still causing problems for them at this stage, especially considering all the problems it has already proposed. Blocky peered around the cave and noticed Bomby was talking to Eraser close to the fire but not too close.. he wondered what they were talking about. He had wanted to talk to Eraser but felt awkward if Bomby was there, so scrapped that idea.

Golfball was nowhere in the cave currently.

She had left a little while ago to "get some space", as she claimed. It was a sudden and unexpected disappearance but nobody thought much of it and allowed her to carry on as it was her own choice. She spent a lot of time alone in her lab after all, so she probably just needed some more time to herself after being in a group with others for so long. That was fine.. as long as she didn't leave or go too far.

Blocky exhaled disinterestedly, wanting to talk to someone so that he wasn't left with his thoughts instead. A gust of wind pushed him forward mildly, him shivering. The fire was still a helpful source of warmth but he wasn't close enough to actually be benefited from it.

In the corner of his eye, he noticed Clock sat on his own in the far part of the cave, alone as he purposely sat away from anyone else in the group. He looked cold, and pretty upset. He seemed to have his legs curled up to his body and he wasn't looking at anyone else.. he must be thinking about something. Blocky wanted to find out, grinning as he found a task to do. Plus.. it would be nice to talk to Clock.. he seemed down and he didn't want him to feel that way,

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