112: Strength in numbers.

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After Donut heard the horrific news of Fries being dead, he needed to be nowhere else but with Gelatin. He rushed back home as soon as he got the chance to leave the forest, teleporting into his room but seeing Gelatin not there made him check Gelatins room instead. Inside was Gelatin thank goodness, sat on his own bed. He seemed to have been waiting for Donut, so stood immediately upon him teleporting there.

"D-Donut!" Gelatin blurted in surprise, stepping towards him, "I..I got some really important news. It's bad, too." He immediately went to start off with this, wanting to tell Donut of his suspicions about Barfbag being behind Pins death.

Coiny had gone back to his room and stayed once Gelatin checked for any more cameras..there were none. He was just.. shocked, and knowing that someone had been spying on Coiny made him check his own room as well as Donuts. Unfortunately, Gelatin didn't find the camera in Donuts room.. but he definitely felt like it was an unsafe place to be. For DONUT to be.

He went to his own room because he felt like it would be safer.. he just wanted to tell Donut about everything..except..

"Me too-" Donut stressed rapidly, catching his breath as he put both hands on the bed and stared. Gelatin watched and bit his lip, softening up "Ohh-uh, did something happen? Wassup?"

"You tell me your news first.." Donut weakly instructed, waving his hand to brush him off. Gelatin scratched his head and stepped over to him. "Uh, well.. some stuff happened and .. Pins dead.." he muttered the last part, pausing once he was next to him. "Coiny isn't taking it well.. I-"

Before Gelatin could get a chance to mention Barfbag, Donut cut him off. "Excuse me?" He turned around, staring at Gelatin in disbelief. "Pin is dead? How.. how could this happen..? Two didn't.. see her as a threat- they WANTED to keep her alive!"

"Yeah.. that's the thing! I-"

"I-I can't believe I wasn't there for her either.. how am I this useless? For goodness sake!" Donut was frustrated, cutting Gelatin off again as he put his head in his hands. "Coiny is.. going to need my support more than ever. This is awful.. he can't catch a damn break..." he hissed lowly, half angry at himself.

Gelatin let him keep talking, not sure when was the right time to say his suspicions about Barfbag. Did Donut really wanna hear about that right now? He slid onto the bed and sat in front of him, patting the place next to him. "Come on D.. you didn't have anything to do with it."

"I-Im sorry. I'm just- taking this all in right now. I.. I heard something awful when looking for Firey-" Donut began to talk about his experience, sitting down on the bed next to Gelatin.

"Really..?" Gelatin didn't know what that could be.. but based on how breathless and stressed Donut was it couldn't be good. Donut put a hand on his head, trying to muster up some words.

"I..I got in contact with Firey and his group.. they already KNOW about Coiny. Turns out.. they.. they know .. Fries is dead. I..I can't believe it. I-I..I knew it would happen.. I..I just can't believe it's..happened NOW." His words got more shakey the more he spoke.

Gelatin softened up, absorbed by guilt. "Oh.. Oh, Donut.. I..I'm sorry." Gelatin went to go give him a hug, looking off into the distance. He had said so many times that Fries would probably be okay.. turns out he was proven wrong. "I..know how much he meant to you." Gelatin muttered.

Fries was.. dead, huh? He never got a chance to properly interact with him.. not casually. Which was weird.. considering Donut had been their social glue. To think he was ..gone forever was intimidating. He had done so much.. and he got nothing in return. He didn't get ...justice.

"I-I can't..believe that the last time we spoke was .. in that stupid forest...I.. I didn't get to properly.. say goodbye." He gripped Gelatins arm. "O-One of.. the very last things he said to me was that.. he would be fine. How.. how could I let him down? He was waiting for me to come back.. and waited for me for so long. But.. did I EVER return? I..I " Donut was saying a lot due to the overwhelming emotions that he was experiencing, keeping Gelatin close to him.

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