12: As a tree is cut down, another grows.

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Two sat upon his desk. He was ruminating of making his room a little better, maybe give himself a throne, now that would be pretty cool.

There would be a whole red carpet that would lead along the entrance of his office, right to his seat, and he would be able to do his paper work on a desk to the side of the throne.

He had a brief idea of what he wanted to do.. as long as things went to plan, everything would work out the way he intended it to.

He had a silver teacup in hand, drinking some of the contents before gazing down into the liquid of it boredly, the handle pinched inbetween his fingers. Donut and Coiny kept quiet to the sides of him, like usual.

He was abruptly taken by surprise as someone opened the door roughly, making him jump and almost spill it on himself. "H-Huh?" He glowered, placing his cup down carefully, before letting his anger erupt "Yes, what now?!"

Basketball was in the doorway, looking at him as she had a volatile smile, trying not to panic over the fear of being hurt by him for interrupting him like that "U-Uh-..good news! N-Nickel is awake!"

"H-Huh-?" Two stood up immediately "Good! Thats great! Nice work Basketball, I knew I could trust you," he looked pleased. "Take me there, would you?"

She was a little staggered, but slowly nodded "G-..Gotcha.." she turned her body "..He's in the medical room.." she began to walk, Two following her.

He didn't say anything to his right hand men before leaving, just heading out with Basketball.. Donut was astounded that Nickel actually lived from all the things that had happened to him, especially since it had been so quick.

Donut kept quiet, staying there placidly as he awaited Two to return. He glanced up a little, noticing a camera... he hated the feeling of knowing they were being watched.

"What are you up to, Donut," Coinys voice shattered the silence quickly, Donut jumping a bit. He averted his gaze over to the copper coin, raising an eyebrow.

"..I don't understand what you're talking about? I'm not doing anything.."

Coiny squinted a little, Donut assuming that he had given up, before he began to walk towards him, pushing him down and holding the sword above him, allowing it tantalisingly close to him "Tell me what you're up to or I'll stab you effortlessly,"

"C-Coiny-, what's gotten into you?!' He spat "S-Stop this.." He looked to the side "I'm..I'm not up to anything.." why did he think that? Had Gelatin told him anything?

I mean.. Gelatin wouldn't do that...but he would have to check with him later. If that was the case, then he definitely wouldn't be able to trust him with his secrets.

"G-Get off-, Two might come back" he cried out as Coiny brought the sword down.. however it went through his donut hole, basically his hollow mouth. It didn't stab him at all.

Coiny glared, taking the sword back "You know you're up to something, and I know you're up to something, so don't you dare say you're not.." he backed away, going to stand back in his usual space.

Donut stayed there for a moment, just trying to comprehend what had happened..was that a threat? God.. he hated Coiny. Why couldn't he mind his own buisness..

But one thing was for certain, he really couldn't let him find out about his secret.. out of all people, letting Coiny know would be instant death.

He needed to be more careful.

He went to stand up and go brush himself off, still a little.. startled. He looked briefly to the side, wanting to forget everything that just happened.. feeling on edge, tense.

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