146: Those who carried on.

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The emotions felt amongst the group were.. indescribable.

There was absolutely no way any of them could have ever prepared themselves for such a turn.. for such a shock.

It felt like.. everything had changed.

Everything they had known...

It was all wrong.

An hour had passed since the giant attack, and moods were lower than ever. Golfball hadn't even mentioned Rubber Spatula, her full focus was on aiding those who were injured. Some were more hurt than others, incredibly hurt.. even. There was no way they could fight like this.. she felt so hopeless. She felt so..


Blocky had left to go be alone, refusing to even talk to Pen or Eraser. Clock had been killed.. another one had died before they got the chance to reach the end. Clock had been so close.. so close to success. But.. he died, and nobody would have forseen it being today. Blocky felt awful, knowing that Clock died because of him. Those few seconds.. that one delay. Maybe if Blocky had moved out of the way, maybe if he had held the axe tighter, maybe Clock would still be alive. Maybe if Blocky had ..just reacted in time, Clock wouldn't have had to save his life.

Blocky wished it had been him. He wished and wished Clock would come back, he didn't deserve to die.

The fact Bottle had never even been herself was .. hurtful, too. How did everyone fall for it? How did Four get away with it? How did nobody see through their lies.. Tree was the most effected by Bottles death, he felt used. He felt like out of everyone, he should have seen it. How did he not even know that it wasn't her..? It was so obvious now, looking back. Well.. it felt like it should have been. Once Tree was given a cast from the crates for his broken arm, he left too, to be alone.

The recovery from this was... going to take a while. Maybe forever, would anyone ever recover from all of this..? This had been the worst thing to happen for a while.. it felt like everything was just.. ruined.

Lollipop had been hurt, her robotics had been dented from the harsh blow to the face she received. Liy and Coiny were both mostly okay, just bruised from being thrown like that. Eraser needed a bandage on his arm and Snowball was struggling to walk. Everyone one way or another had been injured or damaged by this experience, and .. the group had never felt so distant. Firey had never felt so.. bad.

He knew it. He knew the fact he had Fours powers would have been the cause of death at some point.. he knew having these powers were dangerous. He felt like shit, because he had failed to do anything when his friends needed it the most. Luckily, he was comforted by Shampoo, who had been by Stapys side since he got hurt. The three sat together in silence, looking into the camp fire as it flickered ahead of them.

Everyone was sat around, mostly silent. What could they say..? What could anyone say. This was awful.. Gelatin sat closeby to Firey, able to see him in the corner of his eye despite his gaze being fixated on the campfire.

Donut would've been appalled.. how could Four do this? They all TRUSTED him. He was supposed to be the one that everyone looked to as .. the hero. They had used that trust and crushed it, they never cared.. and utilised Bottle for their sick intentions.

Tennisball had left, too. Golfball knew exactly why he didn't want to be around... she kept looking up from the fire now and again to check if he had returned.. she didn't want him to do anything to himself.. as she knew how guilty he must have been feeling over all of this. Though.. it must have been some consolation knowing even if Two had never arrived, Four still.. didn't care. Tennisball was right.

She didn't feel like a leader right now, she felt more like a failure. She didn't know how she didn't question Bottle more.. why didn't she TRY to argue against Bottles arrival. When she looked back on it, she could now see how it was too good to be true. She should have known.

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