54: Light me up.

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Quick disclaimer I AM SO SORRY I DID NOT REALISE THAT TWO ONLY USED THEY THEM PRONOUNS SOMEONE TOLD ME A WHILE AGO AND I COMPLETELY FORGOT I FEEL SO TERRIBLE FROM NOW ON IM GONNA BE USING THEY/THEM i know a lot of people got confused on twos gender i should've checked the wiki sooner I'm so sorry help

Morning. Another day.. each day kept passing and passing, and yet everyone were still left with many questions.. was this ever going to end? Or was the end when everyone was finally killed? Would Two ever be stopped? Would Two prevail?

Of course, there was no direct answer.

Last night there had been a storm. A terrible storm, it was violent and destructive, murderous too. It had Two written all over it. Trees were coated with snow and icicles, plants blanketed by the heavy snowfall. The river had completely frozen over, the waterfall too. There was a thick layer of snow over all the grass, and it was impossible to walk through efficiently if you were a shorter object. Taller objects would just have to walk awkwardly.

The snow had stopped falling for now, but may start once again later. Two decided to let them have a little hope, only to crush it further on and start up the harsh weather again.

Those who weren't shielded from the weather would have been frozen to death in the snow. Luckily, Price Tag and Naily stayed in their cave and Snowball wasn't effected by the cold. Others had to handle it differently. Depending on the object type, the cold would impact them differently.

Metal objects conducted the cold better and therefore became very cold, however it wouldn't kill them. However softer objects, such as Cake and Pillow, would have frozen to death. They're dead anyways though so that doesn't matter.

Needle yawned longingly, slowly blinking and opening up her eyes to be greeted with the sight of snow. She opened them wide, looking around in surprise as she realised that the snow had been awful last night;
everywhere was pale and white. She looked up at the tree that she had been leaning against to sleep, noticing that there was quite a few icicles above her.

"Gh-" she attempted to move away, but noticed she couldn't. She gazed down at her arms fearfully, realising that they had frozen in the snow, herself the same. She was metal.. she must've got stuck there by the ice. She rolled her eyes in frustration "Ugh-" she grunted and attempted to yank her arms out of the snow, feeling and hearing the soft cracking of the ice as she pulled them out.

She tugged herself away from the tree, grunting before stumbling upwards into standing. She brushed herself off from ice that stuck to her, being careful. This didn't help her rusting very much.

She sighed and turned her body around, observing the area "Right.. er.." she needed to decide where to go. She had been trying to look for help but.. she didn't feel safe going back up the cliff. If she went there, there was a small chance she would run into Free Food - and as much as she hated Rs, she didn't want Two to send some idiots over to his base and probably get her friends killed in their wreckless saviour attempt.

She looked up at the sky.. the clouds looked.. not as bad as yesterday. She must have just fallen asleep by the tree last night.. quite early, because she didn't remember the snow being that bad. She had been pretty tired from all her working.

She really really hoped her friends were doing okay.

She kicked some of the snow out of her way, and began to walk once again. She had a long way to go today.. she had to just keep walking.. if she spent too much time wondering, she would starve.

She had found an apple tree, but it only had one apple. This was annoying - but also a good sign. Someone else had also been using the tree as a food supply. It wouldn't be Rs' group, the warehouse most likely had food stored within it.

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