101: Copycats.

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It was evening time, but this was hard to tell due to the dark atmosphere due to the heavy weather. The rainfall had not dispersed and continued to pound down on the forest and everything else, once again. Everyone was sort of getting used to the irregular weather conditions now.. it was almost like this was a natural thing.

After having been pushed down the river a few days ago, Stapy had only woken up a little after due to having been knocked unconscious. He was surprised he wasn't dead, after having washed up on the riverbank he suddenly remembered most of everything that happened..Liy. He hadn't too sure how long he had been unconscious for or how long she had been out in the forest for, so he didn't know if she had made her way back to the base or if she was still on her way there. That's where she was most likely headed, right?

He had spent the rest of the days looking in search for anyone else that might've been around this part of the forest.. he was also admittedly nervous for the wellbeing of Firey, and whether he was doing okay without him. He wasn't too sure how he would've reacted to Stapy being missing so ...he hoped Firey didn't do anything stupid. He wondered if Firey even knew where to look for Stapy, since he didn't know he got pushed down the river.

As annoying as it was, he still needed to survive. He had been trying to find food the last days, but with the impending and intense storm he had been focused more on shelter. He was currently hopping along a path slowly, the trees above acting as a barrier to protect him from the rain. It was cold .. and it was getting dark. It was pretty windy too, he kept trying to rub his arms for warmth but that didn't prove too helpful.

He was thinking of starting a fire.. he didn't know if it would get cold enough to kill him overnight, which was annoying. It was at times like this he really hated Two. Grumbling to himself, he held his arms and kept looking for somewhere that looked sheltered and secluded enough for him to be able to sleep..somewhere that wouldn't be too interrupted by the weather.

Just as he thought that he wouldn't find anything, he stumbled across the sight of a building in the near distance.. was that.. the sign was fairly large so it was easy to see from where he was, even if it was missing a few letters. He tried to piece together the title with the lack of some letters.... did that say Yellowfaces warehouse? The abandoned one? Yellow wasn't there anymore obviously..so was it completely desolate?

He was intrigued, desperate to find any sort of shelter for the night so immediately began to head over there. Could this really be a miracle? Maybe there would be supplies too.. perhaps even food? He tried not to get too excited but the probability of finding something useful in there was fairly high. Thank goodness! He seriously needed somewhere to stay. He could just break open a window or something if he couldn't get in through the door.

He was determined, making his way over and wasting no time as a gust of wind violently blew rain at his face, causing him to wince and squint his eyes. After a few minutes of walking, he made his way over to the door, trying to determine if there was anyone inside.. he couldn't tell. I mean, if there WAS it would ..probably just be more survivors right? He needed to know.. anything would be better than staying out here and freezing to death.

Or so he thought.

He pushed the door open with a grunt, more difficult due to his lack of legs but he managed regardless. He took a moment to take a gander around the building, observing it up and down and from side to side, admiring the stacks of crates and shelves of boxes that occupied the space. "Hello?" He called into the building, his words echoing off the distant wants.. the rain pattered hard on the glass ceiling above, rendering him to shut the door. He did so, the loud heavy click of the door closing also echoing into the building.

"Is anyone here..?" He wondered aloud, feeling hopeful that he had the whole entire area to himself. He was excited, grinning as he made his way inside.. this was great! Had nobody seriously found this place yet? It was the best kind of shelter he had seen in.. well ..ages! No offense to Fireys treehouse. He spared no time in hopping over to the shelves, wanting to find some sort of food or, relatively anything edible. He was hungry..he definitely knew Yellow must've had SOME sort of food product around here.

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