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Things were fine before Two had arrived.

Things were absolutely fine.

The contestants did the challenges, won and lost them, went up for elimination, and would leave the show one by one.

It was a simple cycle of the gameshow, in attempt to win the prize promised to the winner.

But then he arrived, with his bundle of his own contestants. He called them the debutors.

He wanted to take over the show, he wanted to give them the chance of having this extraordinary power, in exchange for winning his show.


But Four wouldn't have that. He couldn't.. he set this up, this was his job. He wanted to do this.. it wasn't Twos show.. it was his.

But before he knew it, they began to side with the other numeral. He couldn't stop it, he couldn't do anything...

Anything ..but watching the ones who once were on HIS side.. change to his enemy. At least.. half.. must've went across. The number wasn't important. How could they leave him like that.. he gave them EVERYTHING.

Thats when he lost it. With a blow of his signature beam, he took out the cast Two had brought with him, killing all but three of the debutors. He was so mad, he couldn't help himself..

Two of course, took this as a threat. He had no other choice but to take a blow back, in the process killing a contestant who had been on Fours side, crushing them with some matter he had picked up.

And then it began.

The contestants were ordered by each side to attack eachother, of course this was an.. odd thing to be told to do, to suddenly kill your friends.

And so, they fought. There was fire and destruction... both sides out for blood.. each action resulting in the next..

Watching someone close to you get injured triggered you to want to hurt the person who hurt them. Of course this was a continuous cycle of anger and confusion, grief..

But .. long story short, Twos side won.

The war had lasted a short while, they lost not as many as they thought they would.. or could.. a few did die, of course.. but ..

It was mostly the debutors who had lost their lives in those moments of war.

Two swore to himself he would kill every last one of them, every last object who had sided with Four. They had all fled to the forest, in groups of.... whoever.

The ones on Twos side stayed, but it was.. not the same. The split had completely turned each side against eachother, they hated one another for what each side did..

Some say Two started it by coming there in the first place, some say Four started it by killing the debutors.

Two had set up a base for them, a place for them all to stay and use what they had to hunt down the remaining members, and of course, Four himself.

Four had gone missing, nobody knew where he had gone. Twos side assumed the other side was hiding him but, that was not true. Fours side had no clue what happened to him, and were left confused, starved and hurt in the forest.

He would use everything he had to make sure each and every one of them died a painful death, and using his side of the war to help him do this was the way.

What once had been their friends was now their targets, enemies. This no longer was a game, this was a hunt.

So Fours side continued to live in fear, trying to find anyway they could to attack back.. but with their limits.. it seemed impossible, they didn't even have X.

Two was in control of their lives.. and of their friends.

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