6: Starvation.

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Basketball nervously gazed over at Nickel as he was in the bed on life support, watching him as he was unconsciously breathing. She couldn't..she still couldn't believe he was in such a state.

He had lost sight completely, his other eye completely mangled. His mouth was originally covered by the mask, but the way it had been messed up she doubted he would ever be able to talk again.

And his legs.. he wouldn't...

Unless of course... the robotic enhancements. She had been nervous at the thought.. toying with his body like that. She knew she would be able to replace the mouth with robotic enhancements but.. the eyes? And his limbs?

He would need actual versions of this to replace what had been destroyed... other peoples-? The thought made her sick

But Two would do anything to get what he wanted. She didn't even want to think about it.

"Hows it going-?"

She jumped at the sudden voice, sighing and gazing over at Anchor, aka one of the three debutors who had survived the blast. He had quite a few injuries at the time but had been mostly fixed up

"You scared me.." she softly smiled, rolling her eyes "I'm okay. I just have to deal with Nickel over here.." she sighed.

Anchor leaned over, flinching at the sight "Goodness. What happened to him? He looks like he's on the verge of death.."

"I don't know.." she sighed "I don't know how it happened.. or who did it.." she looked over at him, trying to brush the fact off "How are the other two?"

"Price tag and Scissors are okay.." he assured, rubbing the back of his head "They're both sleeping still"

She nodded, averting her gaze. She liked helping people out and was honoured to be there for everyone else but.. she had lost so much. Grassy had lost his life in the war and she could never forgive herself for that.

She didn't even feel like she was helping people .. I mean of course she was but it didn't feel like it at all.

It felt like she wasn't helping anyone. The true people in danger was everyone in the forest. She just wished she could be there for them, tend to them.

But she couldn't. She was stuck here, having to obey to Two and whatever he told her. She wanted to help the others.. it wasn't fair.

No part of this was fair, it never had been or would be. Anchor rubbed the back of his head "I think I'm going to head to the cafeteria for breakfast," he smiled "I'll be back soon. So.."

She perked up, surprised by the sound of the fellow debutors voice "Oh!- right. Yeah-, I'll see you soon.."

Anchor waved with his only hand, heading out to the cafeteria.

Maybe she could..somehow. Maybe there was a way.


Morning in the forest was usually the same thing. They would wake up on the grass, or cave, tree, just anywhere they managed to sleep.

They would be driven more into hunger, and more into the feeling that things wouldn't get better. It was another day down to their demise, which of course they didn't know when that was going to be.

Hunger was one of the worst things about this whole ordeal. The objects made out of food, well more specifically Cake and Lollipop, they didn't need to deal with hunger, as their type of object stopped that kind of thing.

But for other objects that did indeed need to eat, it was almost torture. They lived not knowing where the next meal would come from. Some of course found sources for food, just wild berries or fruit.

But that was rather rare, and didn't exactly fill them up. Nor, was it always safe.

Either way, each day was a step closer to death. Even if they failed to admit it or didn't want to.

Blocky groaned as he lifted himself from the grass, rubbing his eyes tiredly as he rose from his slumber. Woody was sleeping across from him, twitching and whining in his sleep as usual.

The both of them had some of the top of their body burned away from a massive forest fire that had erupted in the war.

Some others had caught fire too of course, people like Book, Barfbag, Fries, Marker.. just a bunch of flammable objects really.

The forest fire was huge. Thank god it was gone now. It was how Grassy had died.. and well, of course a few others.

Woody had actually saved Blocky in the fire. Of course..that did mean he had lost his arm in the process.. and an eye.

Blocky went to stand, rubbing his eyes and gazing around the area. The sunlight was spilling through the gaps in the trees that covered the forest. It must've been at least 10 or 11am.

He stumbled a little as he had only realised how hungry he was. Fuck.. he felt really weak, remembering only then Woody and himself had slept earlier because of the weakness.

Hunger was awful. When you were overly hungry, it was the only thing you could think about. It was the only thing on your mind.. you couldn't think straight.

And you were much slower.. he didn't want to get attacked while he was weak like this. They needed food, quickly. He grunted, dizzily gazing towards the other.

"Woody," he groaned, walking towards him and going to try to wake him up "We have look for some food.. we're gonna starve," he growled, watching the other wake up with a flinch.

"Nnmgggh..." he slurred, gazing at Blocky on confusion. He huffed "Food! We have to get food... find something to eat. We'll die if we dont eat soon."

Woody weakly sat up, making some sort of noise as he stretched and stumbled to his feet, Blocky watching him.

Honestly, the feeling made Woody just want to sit down and curl up into a ball. He would've probably gave up if he had been on his own, let himself starve

Blocky helped him balance "Come on. We gotta get looking," he pointed behind himself with his thumb, looking to the side "Not like we have a choice,"

Woody fidgeted with his hand, nodding "Mmhhm,"

Blocky turned, going to begin to walk in a direction, listening to the leaves crunching under his feet. Honestly he didn't even know what part of the forest they were in...or even who was alive.. how close they were to Twos side.. and so on. He didn't know how big the forest was.

He wondered if anyone had even came across the two of them while they were sleeping or something. He rubbed his eyes, looking behind him to make sure Woody was following him.

He was, just a little slower. He stumbled over his own feet, groaning and playing with his hand,looking up at Blocky weakly.

"I knoww.." he mumbled "This is difficult for me too-,"

Woody stumbled, falling to his knees and whimpering, staring at the ground tiredly. Blocky hesitated, biting his lip at the sight of him in such a weak status.

He walked towards him "Look-, we got this. We just gotta keep moving, got it?"

He went to help him up, going to begin helping him walk. Woody followed nervously, nodding and leaning on him for support.

Hopefully they'd find something..anything.

Before it was too late.

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