128: Smiling and hurting.

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Part 1

It was the morning of the next day, the rain seemed to have cleared up and the storm dispersed but they weren't quite safe just yet. Golfball and the gang had tried to last through the storm at night, having set up multiple tents and shelters to occupy a small number of objects inside each one for the night. They didn't have long to make them the day before so the shelters were tacky for now but, they had the chance to work on them more in the morning.

They had constructed around 5 small current shelters that were shared by a group each. To be honest, having a tacky shelter was better than having to just sleep in the plain open. The cave had been cover but it was always cold.. at least the shelters would shield them from all angles. Last nights sleep had been rough but not as rough as it had been before.

Blocky yawned as he pushed himself out of his constructed tent, moving the flap out of the way while being careful to not knock the stick that helped keep it up. He rubbed his eyes with his fist, taking a gander at the shelters as rain dripped from them.. the sun was finally out, but that didn't make it warm.

"Ah, you're awake.." Blackhole suddenly spoke up, startling Blocky from behind. He flinched, exhaling and putting a hand on his chest. "You came outta nowhere!" Blocky breathed, turning around to the other object. Blackhole didn't need somewhere to stay, because he was fine outside. He didn't feel the cold so it was practically useless giving him somewhere, plus he liked to wonder at night. Not like he could do much else.. its not like he needed to sleep exactly.

"Yes, well.. I have been waiting..uh, a while. You guys have been sleeping for ages.. look at the sun." Blackhole explained in his usual monotone voice. Blocky did so, shielding his eyes by putting his hand above them, squinting in the suns glare.

"Oh yeah, you're right, ya know! It's way past dusk. That's great though! I knew we needed some more sleep." Blocky looked back down, grinning as he put a hand on his waist.

"Looks like we didn't get much more of it, thanks to your useless blubbering." Golfball bitterly complained as she marched out of her own shelter, hers not a tent. She shared with the biggest amount of objects, Tb, Basketball and Snowball, so they had to take the biggest shelter. It was made out of the remains of one of the crates they destroyed, with a waterproof sheet over the top, securely of course. She groggily squinted from the sunlight, shaking her head tiredly.

"Could you please keep your voice down?? You will wake the others, Blocky. Your voice isn't exactly quiet. " she nagged, not wanting to deal with this. Blocky waved his hand up and down to dismiss her statement. "Oh, boo. Like anyone is that light of a sleeper. Plus, look! It's late morning." He pointed at the sky to prove his point.

She furrowed her eyebrows, not quite understanding initially. She peered up to where he was pointing, her eyes widening. "Wh..What?! How did we sleep for so long?!" She cried, louder than Blocky had been talking. "That does it- Blocky, get everyone up immediately. We need to work on making these things more secure for the future! We do NOT have time to be lying around!"

She suddenly went into each shelter and poked her head in, yelling at scolding at them to get up. Blocky rolled his eyes shortly, before turning back to his own tent, peeking inside while he held open the flap faintly.

He was sharing with Pen. Eraser and Clock had their own place to sleep - the two of them had decided to pair up so Blocky went with Pen. Pen was a neat sleeper, his hands pressed together by his cheek as he lay on the ground on his side, his cap to the left of him as he chose to sleep with it off.

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