71: I need you more than anything.

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Donut spent his morning searching for Fries, as he didn't seem to be anywhere in the building since yesterday. He assumed he went out or something but he hadn't returned.. he was beginning to get worried that he had burned in the fire. He wasn't anywhere in the building and nobody had seen him since yesterday..

He looked for a while, in fact until the afternoon. He went outside to look with the permission of Tennisball, faced with the burned remains and ashes from the forest in front of him. The grass was grey, covered in ashes and..scorched itself. He frowned and looked into the distance of the forest..but it wasn't much help.

The distance was nothing but cloudy mystery, most of the trees close to this area had been stripped by the fire or burned to the ground. Bits of branch lay everywhere and what used to be green leaves and grass had turned to grey, a very depressing murky kind of grey.

He was in the forest for a long while, getting lost a few times. He didn't go to the forest often but even he knew this was a major difference. He felt bad for those who lived there.. what were they going to do now? Parts of the forest hadn't been burned but.. it was still terrible.

He went pretty far.. it took him a few hours in total of walking and calling for Fries, stumbling over branches and touching the ashy surfaces with his hand. What could have happened to Fries? Surely he wouldn't just.. escape unless it was urgent. Maybe something came up? He really hoped that he wasn't dead... anything but that.

It was so easy to get burned in the forest as Fries because he was just cardboard. He didn't want to think of the worst possibilities but in a moment of anxiety that was rather difficult. He didn't feel too good on his way back, reluctant to return so took longer on his way home.

He didn't know how long he had been.. he left around 10am, and it had been a little while since then. He hoped Two wouldn't mind that he had went off like this.. they'd probably be fine with it as long as he had a good excuse, something along the lines of wanting to help look for Fries because he was important to Free Food or whatever.

He eventually got back home after his lengthy disappearance, returning even more miserable than before. That was about to get worse though. He made it through the doors and grunted as he brushed ash and burned remains off of his body, it falling to the ground in front of and around him. When he left, Tennisball had been guarding the door. It was Barfbag, now. He was surprised at the sight of her, cheering up at least. He let the doors close behind himself as he went to talk to her.

"Oh, hey Barfy." He greeted tiredly. She didn't seem so impressed, so he was confused on what was wrong with her. "What? Don't you like that nickname anymore?" He wondered, her uncrossing her arms and beginning to speak.

"It's not that Donut.." she exhaled calmly, rubbing her head awkwardly and looking off into the distance, Donut fidgeting worriedly. "Gelatins been.. really upset that you disappeared for so long without saying anything. It's ..past lunch time.. you were gone for like, 4 hours.." she muttered, his happiness wearing off fast. "Look I.. tried to give him some comfort but he really didn't want it and went to his room. I.. think you should go talk to him."

Of course she was kind of to blame, as she was the one who brought the subject up and began putting words in his mouth. Gelatin didn't recognize her manipulation though and managed to fall for her fake pity, getting further upset than he originally was.

"Wh-What?" Donuts voice cracked as he spoke, shocked to hear that information. He couldn't imagine Gelatin being that emotional..What on earth? Gelatin was hardly ever upset.. what the hell happened? Was it about yesterday or.. in general? He suddenly felt an array of guilt wash over him, feeling weaker and feeling awful about it.. oh.. how could he let this slip past?

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