23: Vital discovery.

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It was coming to the evening, close to when everyone would have to rest. It wasn't yet, though. Donut had been confused about what happened with Basketball earlier, not being able to stop thinking about it.

She just.. acted strange. He wasn't sure why, or anything like that, he genuinely didn't understand anything that had happened earlier. He walked into Gelatins room, pushing the door open. He knew Gelatin would be there, because he said that they would meet up in his room later. Mainly because Donuts one might be being monitored.. or something.

"I had one of the weirdest experiences.." Donut mumbled as he shut the door to his bedroom, glancing over to where Gelatin was sat, which was the bed. He had papers in his hand "..Basketball came up to me today.."

"Oh?" Gelatin hummed, not really paying much attention as he read through what he was holding. He nodded "Yyeeeah.. and she was acting super strange." He rubbed the back of his head "..Like she was scared of something. Why would she act like that? She was fine with me yesterday.."

He waited for Gelatins response, but he never said anything. He frowned in dissatisfaction "Are you even listening to me?"

Gelatin looked over and laughed a bit "Oops! Sorryyy.. kinda distracted about something..."

"How so?" Donut pulled himself up onto the bed with a sigh, leaning over to see what was on Gelatins piece of paper.

Instead, Gelatin slammed it on the bed "Okay okay, I got the craziest bit of news to tell you! Excitinggg!! Now its my turn to make YOU shocked!" He taunted. Donut groaned "Shut up and tell me" he threatened.

"Yikes! So eager.." he turned to him, clapping his hands together "Okay, so likeee.. Basketball walked into our main room earlier and then, the radio just, boom! Came on! Sooo crazy cuz, there was people on the other side, warning usssss...spooookkyyyy~" he grinned idiotically, Donut unamused "They told us to watch out and then said this other stuff blah blah blah and then, it cut out! The other guys said not to tell anyone buuuut, I figured I could tell my bestie" he nudged Donut and winked.

"..Wh-..Huh-? Who? Warned about who-?" He stammered in response

"Not sure... The guys that attacked Nickel or something. Like we didn't already know that, morons"

"W-Wait, ..H-How would they have known?!"

Gelatin shrugged, going to pick his nose "How should I know? I'm not them" he shrugged, Donut hitting him to make him stop.

"Wh-Who were they???" He asked "Didn't you recognise them?!"

"What? No." He rolled his eyes "They sounded unfamiliar.. soo, haven't got a clue" he yawned "But, thats important right?"

Donut nodded "I-It really is.." he looked to the side, trying to process it. They knew the people who had attacked Nickel.. they knew Nickels name, too. They knew that only Nickel was attacked.. just small details like that.. how would they know that? It was.. a little strange.

"Anyways.. Now that I've shared some important info, I wanna do a little interrogation" he demanded playfully "Pwetty pwease?"

He growled at him "I never agreed before you told me your secret.. but fine" He muttered. "What is it?" He groaned, tired.

Gelatin smirked, moving the papers to the side. He grinned at Donut, who was mostly confused on his behaviour and also quite bored of it. "I wanted to ask.. about Four"

"What-?" That was a little sudden. "Why....?" He avoided eyecontact by averting his eyes to the side, flinching as his shoulders were grabbed.

"Cuz I wanted to know. I mean.." he pouted, taking a moment before speaking up "Donut.. were you the last person to ever see Four?"

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