11: Sunrise red.

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It was morning, and Free Food was out of one of their early morning hunts. They usually did this because it was when the other side was the most vunrable.

It was light, so they were visible, but also asleep and or tired. It was perfect, and had worked out for them quite a few times.

Yellowface was leading them, carrying a knife and smiling to himself as he hopped and looked around the forest, wanting to find at least something.

Fries was dragging his shovel along the leaf covered ground, feeling it bump over rocks or lose twigs scattered along the floor. He was letting Yf lead them, that was normal for him to do.

Puffball floated and followed mindlessly, having Bell tied to her so she was carrying her while she did. Marker also mindlessly followed.. those 3 never really.. had much of a say or was in their own mindset. They were just not right in the head, so..

Marker was carrying Stapy under his arm. He was strong so it was easy to carry him without much struggle. Stapy was hoping they didn't find anyone..he didn't want to be used anymore. He was helpless to being dragged along with them, quiet

Closeby, Woody and Blocky were resting. Last night they had managed to find some food, some apples to be exact. It was a good find.. at least they knew they wouldn't starve anytime soon.

"You think we should head back.." Fries spoke, digging into the ground with his shovel. Yellowface kept going, looking over at Fries with a small smile.

"..Well.." he looked around ".. Lets look a little more. If we don't find anything, then we can head back. I promise," he chuckled, Fries wanting to say something but staying quiet.

Woody perked up from his sleep by the noise, his eyes darting around the area in a little bit of panic. He sat up against the tree he was against, making a small whine.

He glanced down over at Blocky, wondering if it was him. But he seemed to be asleep, face first on the grass idiot

He glanced back up, trying to pay attention to his surroudnings. He didn't know if it was just a coincidence that he had woken up but.. he swore he heard something.

He flinched at the low noise of voices, two male ones to be exact. They sounded a little close, him getting a bit shakey

"B-Blockynnngn-" he tried to move over and shake him, looking around nervously. He was tense, wanting to hide or get away from the area quickly.. he couldn't tell who they were but didn't want to take any chances.

He looked back at Blocky, shaking him a little harder. Blocky groaned, turning his body and looking up at him "What??" He groaned tiredly, barely opening his eyes.

"Ndgg-" he pointed over to the direction of the growing in volume voices, looking at him desperately. Blocky raised an eyebrow "..Fuck..its Free Food..." he went to stand, helping the other up ".. We need to get out of here.."

He recognized it.. Yellowface and Fries. Wherever they were the rest of Free Food was. Of course he had never directly spoke to them, but he watched from a tree when they basically stapled Foldy to death.

He didn't see Eraser with them though.. and that was a little odd.. he hoped nothing had happened to him. Though at the same time he was glad he hadn't turned into a crazed maniac.

He went to begin to head into the opposite direction with him, gripping Woodys arm and being a little quick. He knew what they were capable of, and knew they wouldn't hold back. Woody knew this too.. of course.. he had just never seen it in action.

"Where do you think you two are going?"

Blocky froze up at the sudden direct voice, hesitant to look over. "..Get behind me.." he growled to Woody, pulling him behind him as he turned his body over to the group.

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