32: Don't look at me like that..just smile!

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It had been a few hours since the whole Liy incident. She had woken up from being knocked out, and was currently being trapped inside a cage. She was mostly just bored, leaning on the bars and groaning in annoyance as Golfball was relentlessly questioning her.

"Ughhh.. are you done yet?? I'm hungry" Liy complained boredly.

Golfball had insisted on capturing her instead of killing her. This wasn't the majority vote, so everyone was kind of.. hesitant to allow this to happen.

"Why are you even here?!" Golfball snapped. Liy smirked at her anger "..If I told you, I think you'd just be more annoyed" she sneered.

She remembered the robot Temnisball thing she saw. Golfball must really miss Tb.. she could perhaps use that to her advantage to get Pillow. Maybe Golfball would be unstable enough.

Lollipop was crossing her arms "Maybe you should stop, dear. She clearly ISN'T going to cooperate " she muttered in annoyance, glaring over at Liy.

Golfball growled over to Lollipop "Well in that case, she's just going to have to stay in the cage!" Liy crossed her arms. Pen rubbed the back of his head "A-And.. we are just going to keep her here?" He looked at everyone for confirmation "Why..?"

Golfball squinted "Well, if they notice one of them are missing, maybe Two will send more. We can attack them, or use them to our advantage."

Bomby awkwardly fidgeted "..Isn't that..erm.. just putting us in more danger?" Jr nodded "Agreed! I say we should just kill her and get it done with!" He growled and glared over at her "She deserves it, anyways."

"I wasn't even the one who tore Erasers limb off"

"Shut it!!" Golfball snapped, glaring at her through the bars, pressing her head against them, Liy grinning and backing off. "Everyone shut up!! We do what I say and what I say is what goes! Okay?!" She snapped loudly, looking back at them. "I want some information out of you, and I won't stop until you tell me" she looked back at Liy as she spoke, pushing her glasses up her face.

Liy rolled her eyes and leaned back against the small cage, crossing her arms still "Aww.. you wanna know that bad? Pfft"

8-ball exhaled loudly, catching the attention of some others "I'm going to go outside. Its too much being here..anyone coming?" He muttered looking at them all. Fanny huffed and contemplated the idea "Better than being here. " she gave Liy a glare, who stuck her tongue out in response.

Lightning was surprised as he was forced to follow "H-Hey! I wanna stay!"

"Well, we can't always have what we want, Lightning!!" She yelled at him, turning around "Let's go, I need some fresh air."

The three of them left the group to deal with Liy. Blocky raised an eyebrow, his hands on his waist. He had been bandaged up after her attacks, his arms were wrapped with them. "Well, are you going to tell us?"

Liy hummed teasingly "Hmmm.., I don't knowww.." she grinned and tilted her head "You look so desperate. You wanna know that bad? Jeez.. kind of cute"

"Liy.." Blackhole spoke up, going to float up to her. This made her look at him. "I overheard you.. earlier. Um.." he looked at Golfball nervously, looking back at her "..What did you mean when you said you had to fix  ..him ..with a material.."

She whined in annoyance at this "Are you kidding me?? You heard?? I should've known YOU were lurking" she gritted her teeth "Whatever!" She smirked over at Gb.

"You miss Tb a lot, huh?"

Golfball flinched. Blackhole looked away as she asked this question. Tennisball was a subject that made him way too nervous after what happened.

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